All Obelisk Solutions w/ Video + Alternatives [Under Construction]
All Obelisk Solutions w/ Video + Alternatives [Under Construction]
Geüpdatet 2 years ago door Undalevein

Yes, I know. There's another guide for getting all EPs. However, I believe that it's best to explain all EPs through a video since images don't really show some mechanical intricacies for some EPs. I didn't create this video, so credit to TeamPlace for putting together a wonderful walkthrough for getting all EPs based on obelisks.

Please keep in mind that this video was intended casual playthrough, so below the video I will write or link down alternate EP locations or speedrun strats if necessary, based on obelisk with the exception of Boat EPs.


Boat EPs: To get all Boat EPs consistently, refer to this guide made by darkid ( Note that the guide is made before the route changed, where instead of getting all the Boat EPs in one take, we start from Quarry to get all Shipwreck EPs and quick stop to Treehouse and then get the rest of the EPs at the end of the run.

Short Sewer EP - Can be solved while riding on a boat.

Tutorial Boat EPs (specifically) - You can start these EPs without the boat going into Town Loop, seen here in this video:


Desert Obelisk: Windmill EPs - While doing Second and Third Blade EPs, you can


Quarry Obelisk: Ramp/Lift EPs - You can change up how you can solve this by raising both the ramp and lift at the same time. This can be accomplished by solving either the lift or control panel using the up-position solution, solve the other panel with its up-position solution, then quickly go back to the first panel and cancel the auto solve by starting and exiting the panel.

Angling Ramp EP - You can solve this EP while the ramp is both adjusting its angle and moving to the EP location. The EP's circle will still be at the intended location and solving the EP will have a strange sharp angle shape.

Brown Bridge EP - You can solve the EP a floor below the intended location (located at the top of the tower next to the laser panel), hence getting the EP does not require solving the Town Environmental Set.


Treehouse Obelisk: Purple Pressure Plates EP - You can solve the EP without resetting the pressure plates using FOV clip. For this clip to work, you must solve the panel similarly to the photo below. At the right side of the Back Keep Laser panel at the corner, set your FOV at 120 and look at the green pressure plates. Then, while drawing the EP, go to your settings and change your FOV down to 80, allowing you to clip through the broken pillar and solve the EP.

Blue Pressure Plates EPs - You can solve both EPs without resetting the pressure plates using FOV clip OR thin clipping. For both clips to work, you must solve the panel similarly to the photo below. For FOV clip, position yourself at the left side of the Back Keep Laser panel, have your FOV at 120, and look at the purple pressure plates. Then quickly draw the line of the Right Blue Pressure Plates EP and when you couldn't move any more, go to your settings and change your FOV to 80 to solve the EP. For thin clip, you want to position yourself at the right corner of the Back Keep Laser panel where you couldn't move anymore. Your FOV must be at 120, but you will not need to change your FOV to clip through. Instead, just solve the EP and when you get to the plank obstructions, just forcefully clip through it.

Short Bridge EP - You can solve the EP where Right Bridge 11 is unsolved while the second pivot for the right bridge extends to the left seen here in the photo below. This can also be solved while the bridge is moving where the second pivot also extends to the left, though this strat will make this EP timed.

Long Bridge EP - You can solve the EP where the Left Bridge 13 is unsolved while the second pivot for the right bridge extends straight seen here in the photo. You can solve all of Right Bridge Set and it will still work.

Burnt Treehouse Shadow EP - You can use FOV clip to solve the EP to clip through one of the spikes from the ground. While drawing the line at 120 FOV, when hitting the spike, change your FOV to 80, which is demonstrated by the video below (if you are unable to clip through, you must readjust your position slightly):

Buoy EP - 

Couch EP - To consistently 


River Obelisk: Cloud Cycle EP -

Sliding Bridge EPs - 

CW Rotating Bridge EP - 

Orange Light Bridge EP - The video solution is correct (and I made an assumption that it is impossible without noclip, apologies); however, it's slow in a speed run. In order to solve Orange Light Bridge EP quick, you will do the following steps shown below (this is after you completed the Blue Light Bridge EP).


Monastery Obelisk: Left Courtyard EP - Cannot be solved until you solve Exterior 3. Be mindful of the routing improvisation with Cloud Cycle EP; you don't want to do Jungle before Monastery.


Town Obelisk: Thundercloud EP - There are two ways to approach this EP. To do it normally, you would first send Desert Laser to the Mountaintop, go through Mountain and UTM, and then open Town Shortcut and then redirect the laser to the thundercloud. After, you do Challenge and exit UTM through the River Shortcut and do Thundercloud EP. Another route is to perform Redirect Snipe where you first send the laser to the thundercloud, solve Thundercloud EP when you are going to Swamp, then at Mountaintop, you snipe the redirect panel to send Desert Laser to Mountaintop. [Needs Set-Up Video]

Tower Black Line EP - You can solve this EP from Redirect Black Line EP using FOV clip without solving any panels from Town.

Eclipse EP - If you want to do Eclipse EP normally, you can start the video a bit later and can still start eclipse until he says, "into a ghost town," in, "like so many other New England cities the advent of shopping malls had by the early 70s turned it into a ghost town." You must be ready to complete the EP when he says ". If you want to skip watching The Secret of Psalm 46 using Eclipse Skip, here's a link to a different guide explaining how to setup and perform the glitch:

Catwalk EP - Normally, you would start the Tutorial video before he shows the artwork since you will need to run to the catwalk to catch the EP. However, you can pause when he shows the artwork with the Catwalk EP circle by drawing the line where video shows it and reload the save. This causes the video to be paused and the EP still works.
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