(Probably too) Detailed Notes on The Witcher 3 Any% Current patch based off of my 3:15 time
(Probably too) Detailed Notes on The Witcher 3 Any% Current patch based off of my 3:15 time
Geüpdatet 5 years ago door trig


For Dialogue, I will put the numbers in parentheses in the order that they are pressed e.g. (2,1,2,2,1). If there are no parentheses, assume that the only required dialogue choice is 1, unless I explain it differently.

Names of signposts are written in "", e.g. when I write travel to "Gate of the Hierarch", I mean the signpost.

PoP = Place of Power


Graphics all to low, it doesn't actually look bad Automatic finishers OFF Emeny scaling OFF

Keybinds: I have roll bound to right click This unbinds blocking/witcher senses, I have those on Mouse5 Leave jump on space. Rolling will be easier/safer

[Basic Stuff]

Make sure to get the "worst" ending

After exiting teleportation, Geralt can't sprint for a few seconds -- immediately fast attack and try to roll twice to save time. (Spamming right click instead of sapce for roll helps here)

If button mashing is still a thing: spam both right-click and spacebar, and the number key for whatever dialogue choice is coming up. I recommend a membrane keyboard for this, if you have an old one lying around.

Rend Spam: This is when you continuously spam the rend ability to stun-lock enemies. It is used for the last third of the game, and is very powerful, but the timing is a bit weird. You have to hold your strong attack key just a tiny bit, not too short like when you do a normal strong attack, but not too much either, or you waste too much stamina.

Undying: You aquire this perk near the in about the last fourth of the game together with Razor Focus. Undying basically replenishes your HP if you lose all of it in a fight, as long as you have an adrenaline point. So if you are in any fight after this point, you can take as many hits as you want as long as you have an adrenaline point.


White Orchard - Loading screen before entering Vizima Baron - After talking to baron, before going to Pellar Botchling - After talking to Fisherman Voytek Golem - After killing the Golem Nithral - After dialogue with Keira after Nithral fight Crones - When Ana gives you the dagger (unskippable cutscene) Tree Spirit - After final dialogue with Crones Dreamer - After finishing final dialogue with Dreamer Pricilla - After first dialogue with Pricilla in Kingfisher Menge - After final dialogue with Triss outside of garisson Whoreson & Dramatic Arts - After finishing dialogue after the play To Skellige - After first dialogue on Skellige island The Feast - After finishing dialogue with Crach about his children Mask of Uroboros - After teleporting to Lofoten Garden - After finishing last dialogue with Yen Get Uma - Loading screen before Kaer Morhen Helping out at Kaer Morhen - After final dialogue with witchers, before leaving for Isle of Mists Isle of Mists - Loading screen when teleporting to Kaer Morhen Battle of Kaer Morhen - Loading screen when teleporting to Velen after the battle Crones and Imlerith - Loading screen when teleporting to Novigrad Weird Trip - After finishing dialogue with Ciri Save Philippa - After final dialogue of rescuing Philippa Ciri - After dialogue with Ciri after beating up her friend Yen - After Ciri talks to lodge (if the game crashes here, the crash time is included in this split) Sunstone - Loading screen after talking to Avallac'h and teleporting to final battle Finale - Loading screen while teleporting to epilogue Epilogue/Run End - When cutscene of Crone dying begins


White Orchard:

When entering prologue, attack roll to the door, pick up the key, attack roll down the stairs Spam dialogue, only option (2) until gameplay starts Hop on roach immediately, run towards river and follow path until the bridge Dialogue with peasant (2,1) Ride into White Orchard Inn Dialogue with inkeeper (1,4) Talk to Gaunter at the back of the inn Leave the inn, talk to peasants (3), fight the peasants Ride west along the river until at the hut with the old woman, dive into river to gather Buckthorn Ride towards objective marker, pick up PoP along the way Climb up back-side of the garrisson, talk to commander (1,1,1,2,3) Jump over garrison wall, go to the signpost, teleport to "Sawmill" Go to herbalist hut, buy 2 Salpeter and 2 Calcium Equum, craft Grapeshot bomb. Ride South towards griffin lair, pick up PoP, inspect Griffin (4) Ride further south off the map, teleport to "Woesong Bridge" Talk to Vesimir (1,1,2,1) Ride to quest marker on the field, put 2 points into Strong1 and 1 into Cat School Techniques, equip/right-click Thunderbolt then Tawny Owl Wait for Vesemir, talk to him Drink a Thunderbolt when fight starts, keep Griffin on the ground with Aard and fast attacks, strong attack when possible Once griffin health bar disappears, quickly ride to windmill where griffin lands, finish him off. Collect griffin remains, run to signpost Teleport to "Nilfgaardian Garrison", run through gates Run back to sign post, teleport to "Woesong Bridge" Equip Igni, talk to Vesimir Aim a bit to the left when tavern fight begins, spam Igni


Follow quest in Vizima, try to cut corners when following chamberlain Once in Velen, IF tutorials turn on press ESC Options --> Gameplay --> Tutorials OFF Equip Nilfgaardian suit and Grapeshot. Head approximately 45° right of quest marker, cross the river, go right of the village with the quest marker. Head south-west to Heatherton Throw bomb at dogs Talk to the survivor (2) Run into the quest marker house, inspect body (3) Activate witcher senses, inspect pile of hay to the right Open trap door, drop into basement, inspect candle with witcher senses Examine the book in the chest (1,2,3,4,1) Ride with roach a bit left of quest marker, enter the castle through the cave Talk to Baron

With Ciri, fast attack and spam rightclick towards the wolves, kill the wolves Talk to Gretga Fast attack/jump with Ciri to next group of wolves, kill the wolves, jump towards boat wreck (3,4,1) Do the same with the last wolves, fast attack/jump into the cave Jump behind werewolf king when he attacks

Talk to baron, go upstairs but wait for baron Go into the room on the right to collect loot by the bed while baron is opening bedroom door Enter the bedroom, inspect wall where painting used to be, inspect painting, inspect closet behind painting, inspect candlestick by the door Go halfway down the stairs, wait for voice line to end, inspect floorboard Talk to baron


Exit the house, jump over fence that is straight ahead of the door Call roach at the bottom, leave castle over bridge, head to quest marker Make sure Grapeshot is equipped, talk to thugs outside Pellar's hut (3) Aim at the thug standing forward/left of you, spam middle-mouse/throw bomb This should kill all thugs, run to Pellar door Ride with roach to princess, dismount, spam middle-mouse/bell until Geralt has a voice-line Head to the cave with the bear, kill the bear, use Igni Back to spamming the bell until princess is back with the pellar Call roach, spam E onto the Pellar while Princess is approaching Talk to Pellar Ride to Blackbough sign post, teleport to "Crow's Perch" Ride with roach up into the castle, jump through the doors Dismount when screen starts fading, dialogue choice (2) Run to Baron, press E, block his attack --> 1 fast and 1 strong attack Talk to Baron Meditate before going to the botchling, don't actually meditate just open/exit meditation menu

Go to botchling grave, choose attack (1) Use Tawny Owl and Thunderbolt, push Botchling into corner Always strong attack then dodge backwards, use Igni, use 1 bomb When Botchling is at half HP use Axii on him Recommended: Lock on to botchling so you don't attack the wraiths Try to pick up Botchling remains before cutscene, chance for red mutagen Call roach, ride out of the castle to "Crow's Perch" Signpost, teleport to "Blackbough" Call roach, go and talk to Pellar, follow Pellar Ignite the pillars before the cutscene In the fight, priority is re-activating the fires as fast as possible, not killing the wraiths Which fires go out is RNG as far as I have been able to tell. Ride to Voytek, follow the quest marker Talk to Voyteck (1,1,1,4)


Ride south-east to Lindenvale signpost, teleport to "Blackbough" Ride south and a bit to the west to Keira's hut Enter the hut, go into room on the left, inspect skull, enter portal Fast attack/roll up the stairs to Keira's pool Talk to Keira Head into the cave, after dialogue jump to the right and go right again into the room with Keira Igni one rat nest and use bomb for the other Talk to Keira Go to next room, look at projection Enter next room, take the first tunnel to the right, kill the wraith if in combat Enter next room, go to projection, wait for dialogue to start Jump into the well, dive through tunnel, inspect the painting on the wall Jump down, head through door next to Keira Open/enter portal, add two more character points into Strong1 Start Golem fight with Yrden, use only Strong attacks, try to attack from behind


Pick up chest on the left side of the room, pick up Golem remains Climb up ledge, take two lefts, open/enter portal Talk to Keira Go up and to the left, pick up the chest, meditate Continue upwards

When closing the portals, wait for Keira to stand still, cast Quen, equip Yrden Wait for quest to update, run towards the current portal, cast Yrden onto it, run back to Keira Repeat for second and third portal Talk to Keira, wait for Keira to open the wall of ice Equip Quen and Grapeshot, go to Nithral

Use Thunderbolt and Quen against Nithral, strong attack him Throw bomb at first portal once all hounds have spawned Use second Thunderbolt for second portal, strong attack the hounds to one-shot them Finish of Nithral Collect his drops, run to the other end of the room, climb up ledge and pick up chest in the back-right corner Talk to Keira


Inspect the closed doorway, dispell the illusion, go forward and to the right Talk to Keira (2) Head up the stairs, dispell second illusion, jump into the boat Go into inventory, quest items, and read the book about the Crones Sail to Fyke Isle, enter into the small stream on the right side of the island, sail into the middle of the island to the sign post Travel to "Lindenvale" Take the road down south, head left of the quest marker up the mountain Make sure to discover "Downwarren" signpost Ride to the Crones' village Talk to children, Ana, then go into hut, talk to kid Go outside, ask children for help (1,2), talk to kid again Ride to quest marker, kill the monsters and inspect tracks Ride north to the next hill, inspect burrow, talk to Johnny Don't wait for Johnny, kill the monsters, run to the hill with the nest Attempt to climb up the slope and pick up items without entering combat Slide down to Johnny, talk to him, run towards Crone village but kill monsters first

Tree Spirit

Exit hut and take Crookback Bog signpost to "Downwarren" Talk to eldorman, teleport back to "Crookbackbog" Ride to questmarker with roach, kill the wherewolf --> 100% red mutagen drop Take the signpost, equip mutagen and assign points into Fast1 Talk to tree spirit (1,2), cast Quen and just attack the tree spirit Run out the back exit, talk to the eldorman Just jump towards quest marker with Ciri


Use Crookbag Bog Signpost to travel to "Hanged Man's Tree" Head North-North-West to the Redanian checkpoint, run around the left side of the checkpoint Call roach when on the other side, and head for the left end of Novigrad Uncover "Portside Gate" signpost and then head to the right After "Glory Gate" signpost jump into the water, pick up the smuggler's items, swim to the other shore Enter Novigrad over the bridge by the Rosemary and Thyme Run to Hierarch square by going right Run to Triss' appartment, talk to Thugs (2) first then only (1) Run back to Hierarch square, head down the west path, talk to beggar sitting on high bars Follow quest marker to Putrid Grove, talk to Triss/King of Beggars, exit Putrid Grove Head to Triss' friend in the house closeby North, talk to him Enter basement through trapdoor, kill the drowner, inspect pillar in the basemen't center to open the secret door Pick up the chests in the corner The parcel is at the far end of the river, dive down earlier to pick up chest with alcohol Talk to Triss, jump/climb onto the bridge, head left to the warehouse, equip Grapeshot!! talk to Brandon (2,2) Enter warehouse, place traps and run all the way back to the door to trigger cutscene Throw a bomb on the left-most witch hunter immediately, loot their swords, go outside Once cutscene is over, equip full light armor and highest damage steel sword Follow quest marker to dreamer house, follow quest directions, make sure to look at the drawing of the crib Head to the Golden Sturgeon, talk to Dreamer (1,1,1,1,2,1)


Run to Hierarch Square signpost, travel to "Gate of the Hierarch" Enter Rosemary and Thyme through front door, pick and read journal after fight ends Talk to Zoltan again after dialogue ends (4,6) Use signpost to travel to "Hierarch square", take the northern road to var Attre residence, follow quest objectives Exit residence and go straight forward to the corner house, talk to Voorhis (2,2), this dialogue choice is VERY important You are teleported to Vagelbud estate, talk to Voorhis (1,2) also VERY important dialogue Jump over railing, talk to Molly (1,1,2) Ride roach westwards to "Wheat Fields" signpost, travel to "Gate of the Hierarch" Go west to help Vespula, pay the thugs (1) Run back to Rosemary and Thyme, talk to Zolaten, travel to "Hierarch Square" Enter Kingfisher Inn if it is night-time, if not, meditate Talk to Pricilla


Exit Kingfisher, go to Reuven's bathhouse north, assign more character points into Fast1 and Fast2 --> always try to fill up mutagen bonuses Follow quest with Dijkstra, including searching the sewers Ignore all drowners in the sewers until you come to the open room Before going to Henckels house, go east to Whoreson's casino, fight the guards (2), kill all bandits in the casino Talk to Rico Run to Margrave Henckels house by going West through Hierarch Square Open the secret door with wine/letter, witcher senses and inspect the first item on the right in the secret room, immediately jump down the stairs for the cutscene Follow quest marker south, meditate until midnight if it is after 2 AM Follow quest in the witch hunter garrison, only ever use dialogue (1) Exit garrison through door in Menge's office Split after final cutscene with Triss is over

Whoreson & Dramatic Arts:

Exit garrison over the wall and aard the wall straight ahead This puts you into a cutscene with Dijkstra, talk to him again after it ends Run west towards "Novigrad Docks" signpost, teleport to "Wheat Fields", run South-East to Roche, talk to him Take the horse, run South-West to Oxenfurt bridge where Roche is waiting, talk to him, run to Chess club Talk to Radovid Run over the bridge on the right into Oxenfurt, take the first left and then right, enter Whoreson's villa by jumping onto the barrels, then then the stand, then over the wall Kill all guards, stay away from the northern archway so the remaining guards won't agro you, enter the villa, kill guards, head upstairs Go through Ciri segment normally, jump behind Whoreson and shield-bearing enemies Make sure to kill Whoreson (1) Exit the villa courtyard through the front door, go through Radovid dialogue Run South directly to the signpost, teleport to "Hierarch Square", talk to Pricilla in Kingfisher (1)*7 (2), or press (2) after you tell Pricilla what the title should be Run to the quest marker theatre, talk to ticket seller and buy a ticket, talk to Irina (1,1,2,3) Exit theatre over fence to the left, go to Hierarch Square signpost, travel to "Novigrad Docks" Run west to the ushers, pay for them, run back to "Novigrad Docks", travel back to "Hierarch Square", go back to Irina When the play starts, dialogue is (2,1,2,2,1), make sure to get this right, then finish dialogue with Dudu

To Skellige:

Take Hierarch Square signpost to "Wheat Fields", ride to quest marker, talk to Zoltan (1,1,2) Start riding with Roach immediately towards NNE, pass the lake, go through the bee fields, regain stamina on the path, head NNE again after stamina is full Talk to the dwarves, go behind the hut to the trap door, go down the latter a bit to prevent fall damage Kill the witch hunter with block + strong attack, repeat In Ciri segment, don't fight the first guards, don't take the horse, just spam jump all the way up the street, kill the final guards and enter the door into the temple With Geralt again, take the signpost by the hut to "Hierarch Square", run to the smith to the North-West, sell all gear and crafting items, you need around 1600 gold, meditate Run to Golden Sturgeon towards West, talk to the sailor at the bar, leave to Skellige Use bombs on the pirates, just kill as many as possible, eventually cutscene will "randomly" trigger Talk to scavanger on the beach of Skellige

The Feast:

Follow the path towards the quest marker with Roach, stop at the merchant and buy 1st and 5th map, make sure to read the maps in your inventory Head to the Skellige docks, talk to Yen, ride with Roach up the long way to the keep Talk to Yen, walk into the main hall (1,1,2,1) Upgrade abilities, walk towards the door in the far right corner of the hall Talk to Lugos (1,2) Go to the workshop with Yen, fight stuffed animals with Quen to prevent knockback In the workshop, pick up the mug of mead, inspect the statue and place mug in its hand, go fight the golem After the fight, just wait for cutscene Talk Crach (1,1,1,2,1)

Mask of Uroboros:

Take the signpost by the bridge to "Redgill" in the East Ride over the mountain towards the quest marker, pick up PoP to the right, talk to Yen Hop on roach after dialogue and ride to Yen, kill the Foglets Always wait before using the mask until Yen is ready Run past the Foglets if they are not on top of an image for the mask Yen teleports you to Hindersfjall

The Garden:

Talk to the women but call roach before (1)*5 then (3) Hop on roach and head directly to the quest marker garden Enter the garden through thr right, don't go to the tree but head right again Kill the wolf, use the wooden roof to jump over the water barricade Get out of the water, jump into the whole, inspect Craven with witcher senses

For Ciri, run to the sauna directly, enter with (2), exit with (3) Use attack + jump when going to the stables for faster movement Talk to Skjall (2) Kill 5 enemies, then jump back to stables Follow Skjall with the horse, try to avoid the hounds, must let stamina regenerate once

Talking with Yennefer (1,1,1,2,1,1)

Get Uma:

Take the signpost by the garden to "Crow's Perch" in Velen Ride into the castle with roach, all the way to the garden Talk to the sergeant, then to the baron in the garden

First Ciri segment is a race, one stamina bar is enough to reach the end

Back to talking with Baron (2,1,1,1,1,2)

For Basilisk fight, if the it flies into the air immediately, load the most recent save, it will not fly into the air if you reload, make sure to interrupt it with an attack everytime it tries to fly away There is a chance that the Basilisk stays on the ground immediately, free timesave, but seemingly rng Climb up the rocks to the right after the fight

Finish dialogue with Baron, talk to the stablehand in front of the stable, collect Uma Go through dialogue in Vizima, split in loading screen before Kaer Morhen

Helping out at Kaer Morhen: Eskel quest first, hop on roach immediately, exit the keep, follow the path across the river, then go up the hill to the left Go through the ruin and keep following the path to Eskel, talk to him Fight the Forktail, at half hp start running to the rightmost path the leads between the mountains Go to the Forktail lair, kill the Forktail, exit the lair, talk to Eskel (2) Ride back to the keep, talk to Lambert, before going on his quest go up to Yen's room behind the kitchen, talk to her Run back down, examine the crates in the left corner of the hall with the Potestaquisitor item After dialogue run outside with Lambert Try sliding down the mountain, this is risky, or just run along the path Ride to the dock with roach, talk to Lambert, find the boat Kill the drowners and Waterhag, but beware of the Waterhag, she is overleveled, use Quen and Tawny Owl Search drowner drops for red mutagen, high chance for a drop, then go into Lambert's boat This is a 1 minute unskippable cutscene, can be used for a short break Talk with Lambert (2,2) Run into the cave to the big ledge, navigate through the cave, don't fight with Speartip, climb up to the right, talk to Lambert Pick up the PoP, equip points and red mutagen Run up the hill to the trolls, then into the cave, use Aard, talk to the trolls again (2,1) IMPORTANT DIALOGUE Run to the altar, light the fires with Igni and place the Phylactery Go back to the keep with Lambert, run up to Yen's room again, then comes A LOT of dialogue Make sure to press (4) "Time to go to sleep" as soon as Yen leaves, after that just (1) For the concoction, pick up the ingredients, go to Alchemy --> Quest Items, brew it, go back to Yen More dialogue, final dialogue choices are (1,2) ("I'll gather Allies", "What'll you do?")

Isle of Mists: Equip swords and crossbow, run to Kaer Morhen signpost, teleport to "Rannveig" in Skellige, run to the nearest boat Once in the boat, open the map and travel to Undvik Harbor, then sail towards quest marker Once under the tower, press [esc] then [e], important Once near the isle, don't wait for the firefly, follow routing to South-East until you reach the isle First run south to the fiend and inspect the dead dwarf, make very sure not to agro the fiend Run north to the quest marker hut, talk to dwarves (1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1) Head left of the hut, don't fight the Harpies, kill the Bilge Hags Run to the lightouse, climb up, talk to Gaspard Lead him back to the hut by the Eastern path, not the path with the Harpies Tangladores do a lot of damage, use Quen Gaspard falls asleep twice Once you're at the hut, dialogue with dwarves and Ciri (1,2) Split in loading screen

Battle of Kaer Morhen: Head to the hall to talk to everyone (1)*5 then (2) then (1) Equip the sword and swallow potion given to you, leave the hall

In first segment, just throw dimeritium bombs at the portals, don't fight anyone, you have infinite bombs, make sure you actually hit the portals and not the trees

With Ciri, jump to Triss immediately, kill the hounds/warriors

With Geralt, follow the path into the keep with Roach, run through the courtyard onto the wall, don't fight anyone, close the gate Don't help lambert, run into the upper courtyard immediately After that cutscene, you are not in combat for a few seconds, get and equip the Rend perk in that time Run to the left corner of the courtyard where Triss is, kill the hounds/warriors around her

With Ciri, kill the warriors, then jump to the gate, kill the enemies, open gate with the wheel

With Geralt go to the left corner of the upper courtyard immediately, don't fight anyone Close 2 portals with bombs and one with Yrden, you don't have infinite bombs Pick up more bombs at the chest by the entrance to the hall Go to the right corner of the upper couryard, close both portals with bombs, run to the lower gate where Triss is Follow dialogue and quest directions, make sure to choose (1) when helping Ciri, no snowball fight After Geralt wakes up dialogue is (1,1,2), no NOT go to Emperor Split in loading screen

The Crones and Imlerith: Attack + roll up the path to bald mountain Talk to peasants (2) Follow quest marker, talk to Johhny, follow quest marker over the bridge, talk to the old woman Dive down immediately, into the cave, pick up the coin, go back up Don't fight the fiend, run back to the tent Follow the helper woman to the entrance

One of the most difficult fights against Fugas, he is overleveled Use Quen and both Thunderbolt + Tawny Owl If Quen breaks, stay back until you can cast it again Roll away from fireballs and his stomp, dodging isn't enough If you have quen and full stamina, use rend spam

For Ciri, focus Weavress and Whispress, they can disappear but Brewess is always targetable, maximise dps You can also just focus Brewess, which is easier but slower

With Geralt, head up the mountain, don't pick up PoP Against Imlerith, use Rend to go through his shield, try to stunlock him and kill him before stage two Talk to Ciri, split in loading screen

Weird Trip: In Rosemary and Thyme, run to top floor and talk to Avallac'h Enter the portal by the oven in the basement In world 1, aim away from Avallac'h, then attack + roll to get away from him, then sprint to the next portal Keep killing sandcrabs until Avallac'h does a countdown, then roll into portal In world 2, there are several good paths, refer to my run for safer/slower or Aliatus' for faster/risky Just swim to next portal in world 3 In world 4, open ice wall with igni, cast Quen to protect yourself while running from cover to cover, use swallow for regeneration, refer to run for exact path Talk to Avallac'h in the lighthouse, talk to Ge'els in Tir ná Lia Back in Novigrad dialogue is (1,1,2)

Note: in my 3:15 run I made a mistake here and had to switch up the order, it was slower

Saving Philippa:

Run down one floor and talk to Triss After cutscene, assign one point into Undying and one into Razer Focus Run to the bathhouse, jump onto roof instead of going all the way around Follow Philippa and quest marker, make sure to switch to silver blade before fighting Golem Split after last dialogue in bathhouse


Leave the bathhouse, Take the street leading all the way to the market place by the var Attre villa, meditate and wait for Ciri Talk to Ciri, go with her to Whoreson's place Head right afterwards, go to Temple Isle signpost, teleport to "Hierarch Square" Run to Golden Sturgeon but make sure to talk to Ciri before if she is waiting for you on the road. Enter the Sturgeon and talk to thugs Run back to Hierarch Square signpost, travel to "Portside Gate", follow quest marker Talk to circus band (1,1,2), then comes a lot of dialogue with Ciri (1)*7 then (2) Beat up the guy, finish dialogue


Run into Novigrad all the way to Yen with quest marker When dialogue ends make sure to start running immediately to catch the runaway Cut him off through the fence, try to catch him before he reaches the ladder After catching him, dialogue is (1,1,2,1,1) Run to the Rosemary and Thyme, talk to Zoltan (2,3) Use Gate of the Hierarch signpost to travel to "Novigrad Gate" in Oxenfurt Talk to Yen, run to the well, jump in after dialogue Swim in the direction of the quest marker In the room to the right, kill the Hag, inspect the lever holder Run into the other room the way you came, kill the drowners, high chance for red mutagen Take the lever, head back to first room and open the door Use Quen and attack with your sword to break the wall, use rend spam the kill the Necrophage and then the Ghouls Enter the garisson, rend spam remaining guards in the cellar Run up to commander's office directly, you won't agro any guards Kill him, pick up his loot, head back down to basement, open cell door Exit the garrisson through the hole in the wall, same stairs as to the commander Find Zoltan, he takes you back to the Rosemary and Thyme Go to the top floor and talk to the lodge with Ciri My game always crashes after this, split only after the crash if it happens

The Sunstone: Run to Gate of the Hierarch signpost, teleport to "Novigrad Docks", talk to sorceresses, talk to Avallac'h In skellige dialogue is (1,1,2,1,1) Run to Kaer Trolde Harbor signpost and teleport to "Bridge to Kaer Trolde", enter the hall Rend spam the Nilfgaardians, they should not be overleveled but sometimes are After the fight, teleport to "Arinbjorn" in the west of the island, run to the closest quest marker, not the one far up north Talk to the man (1,1,2) this dialogue is important Teleport back to "Kaer Trolde Harbor", talk to Yen and Ciri Use Kaer Trolde Harbor signpost to teleport to quest marker signpost Talk to Yen, kill the sentry Golem, follow the quest through Avallac'h's lair When Ciri wants to vent anger, use dialogue (1) When Ciri asks to go to Skjall, use dialogue (2) Teleport to "Bridge to Kaer Trolde" Jump off and dive to the boat, sail to quest marker and meet Philippa When fighting the siren, shoot her down and kill her immediately, then the drowners Don't wait for Philippa to create the bridge, just jump over For routing through the caves refer to a run Kill the Golem and get/equip the silver sword in the chest behind him Align the mirrors in order: left, right, middle, then go to the sunstone Don't fight the ghosts, just roll away Exit the way you entered and teleport to "Marlin Coast" on Undvik Mediate until 9PM or later, swim then dive to the Emperor's ship, inspect the ancor to trigger cutscene Talk to Avallac'h on the ship


With Ciri, don't fight any warriors or hounds, just jump to Cranthir, fight him

With Geralt, kill Caranthir Sometimes he is bugged and doesn't move/attack, but you can still damage and kill him, free timesave Swim upwards after fight, then run past all enemies to Eredin's ship Make sure to have full stamina when you arrive at the ship Rend spam Eredin, try to get him to 0 health on the ship, sometimes he bugs out though and takes no more damage, then simply wait for him to go to the next stage In the ice world, rend spam him if he still has hp, or follow him into the portal if he has no hp Don't enter the portal before the quest objective updates On the ship, rend or fast attack once

When running to the tower, don't wait for Yen, run to the horse on the other side of the ship Ride South-West until you pass a small stream, then ride north towards the tower Before entering the storm, cast Quen and swallow Run to the big cave for cover, re-cast Quen, run down the path and roll once stamina has run out HP should be enough to get to the barrier, but in case it is not, you have undying Run up to the tower, talk to Avallac'h


Call roach immediately, make a large circle around the wherewolf, run to Crone village Kill the Crone EZ

Or just use this simplified guide:

"Beat game fast as fukboi using any means necessary" -Asuli

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