In-Depth Character Guide
In-Depth Character Guide
Geüpdatet 2 years ago door LightningCollector

Found this help guide across the web Great info Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - The Hyperstone Heist Megadrive

                             Character Guide

Table of contents:

1 ) HP values and Defense 2 ) Walking speed 3 ) Attack range 4 ) Damage values a ) Regular attack combo b ) Other attacks 5 ) Attacks Timing 6 ) Turtles conclusions 7 ) Bosses HP

1) HP values and Defense

Every turtle has the same max HP: 64. Defense differs however, my rating:

            Leo: Def - 3
            Mike: Def - 4
            Don: Def - 2
            Raph: Def - 1

I have done these tests against the first Foot Soldier encountered in the game, who only does the same one attack over over: a simple punch. I have let the Foot Soldier kill the Turtles and here are the results:

Leo: Punch dealt 04 base damage. Punch dealt no damage once. One other time, a punch dealt no damage, but the following punch dealt 08 (double damage). Mike: Punch dealt 04 base damage. Punch dealt no damage three times. A punch dealt 08 (double damage) once. Don: Punch dealt 04 base damage. Punches dealt 6 damage when knocked back (which happened 3 times before death). Raph: Punch dealt 08 base damage. A punch dealt 10 damage once. Punches that lead to knockbacks dealt 12 damage. Once a in while a punch may only deal 04 damage, but once in a while it way also deal 16 damage.

There is a semi random-factor to these values, the same values may not always trigger at the same moment, but the end results were more or less consistent.

2) Walking speed

Horizontal/vertical: Leo : 1,5 Mike: 1,5 Don : 1,25 Raph: 2,25

Diagonal: Leo : 1,06 Mike: 1,06 Don : 0,88 Raph: 1,59

The running speed is the same for everyone: 3,25.

3) Attack range (X-axis) for regular attacks combo

These values are the hit detection range on the X-axis for each of the four hits of the regular attack combo. The values are pixel counts on the X-axis, example: if Leo is standing on X-axis position 0 (this value corresponding to the center of the sprite), the enemy position needs to be 64 pixels away at the farthest for the hit to connect.

                 | Leo | Mike | Don | Raph |
            hit 1| 64  |  68  | 88  |  52  |
            hit 2| 72  |  68  | 88  |  52  |
            hit 3| 92  |  88  | 104 |  72  |
            hit 4| 64  |  80  | 96  |  72  |

Note: the range of the back attack is the same for everyone, the value is 40, by that I mean the attack doesn't trigger if the enemy is more than 40 pixels away.

4) Damage values

a) Regular attack combo:

                 | Leo | Mike | Don | Raph |
            hit 1|  4  |  6   |  4  |  3   |
            hit 2|  5  |  8   |  4  |  4   |
            hit 3|  6  |  8   |  6  |  5   |
            hit 4|  8  |  10  |  8  |  8   |

b ) Other attacks:

                        | Leo | Mike | Don | Raph |

Sliding | 10 | 8 | 12 | 14 |

Shoulder bash | 8 | 8 | 7 | 10 |

Running kick | 12 | 10 | 10 | 16 |

Jumpkick (downward) | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 |

Jumpkick (upward) | 3 | 3 | 4 | 6 |

Jumpkick (horizontal)| 6 | 3 | 4 | 4 |

Mid air weapon attack| 8 | 10 | 14 | 8 |

Special | 8 | 12 | 14 | 16 | Back attack | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 |


  • An enemy hit by a Foot Soldier that you're tossing around will lose 16HP (which leaves just 1HP in case that's a Foot Soldier).

  • What I call the "running kick" is the horizontal kick that is performed by pressing both the jump and attack button while running, not to be confused with the horizontal jump kick.

  • What I call the "Mid air weapon attack", is the attack that can be performed at the height of a jump, during which the Turtles rotate on themselves, attacking with their weapons.

  • The back attack needs to be turned on in the option menu for it to be performed.

    1. Attacks timing

I was unable to get accurate frame times of attacks, but it is something you can get a good feel for yourself empirically.

Some Turtles will perform the 4 hits combo faster than others. Raph's special was made slower compared to Turtles In Time: it has a longer down time.

Hits may not register on the same frame for all attacks and for all turtles either, something to keep in mind.

If I can get more precise data I will update this guide.

6) Turtles conclusions

Generally speaking the attacks that deal the most damage are: the shoulder bash, the slide, the running kick, and the "Mid air weapon attack".

Compared to Turtles in Time, Leo's range was increased, and Raph's range reduced. Some slight rebalancing was done to the damage values of the regular attack combo.

All things considered, Mike is probably the best turtle, he has the best defense, decent range, and hits hard.

Out of all Turtles, Raph can deal the most damage thanks to his sliding, his shoulder bash, his running kick and his special. His shoulder bash is the only shoulder bash in the game that can kill Foot Soldiers in two hits, and since shoulder bashes do not knock back Foot Soldiers, that makes it the fastest way to dispose of them in the game. Raph's defense is very low however and he can die very quickly.

7) Bosses HP

                                          | Normal | Hard |
            Leatherhead           |  192   |  240 |
            Rocksteady            |  192   |  240 |
            Tatsu                       |  240   |  288 |
            Leatherhead (Gauntlet)|  240   |  288 |
            Rocksteady (Gauntlet) |  240   |  288 |
            Tatsu (Gauntlet)      |  288   |  336 |
            Baxter Stockman       |  192   |  240 |
            Super Krang           |  240   |  288 |
            Super Shredder        |  248   |  336 |


  • Super Krang will only use the bomb throwing when his HP gets below 64
  • Outside of HP value, there is another difference between regular Tatsu and his Gauntlet version: the regular version will only call for more Foot Soldiers once all 3 of them are defeated, but the Gauntlet version will call reinforcements as soon as one of them is defeated.
  • Baxter Stockman may or may not be able to spawn more Mousers at once on Hard, I still need to verify this.
  • Super Shredder is faster on Hard.