Mine runs, what should the end levels be?
8 years ago
United States

Ok so originally I thought 50 was just a nice round number to shoot for, but it has come to my attention that other would rather run it to 40. So basically I just want to do what the majority of people want to do, so I'm going to make a poll and let it run for a week or so. Then I will make set the category according to the outcome of that poll.

For now since people have start running to 50 I will accept those runs, and if its decided to do 40 instead I will go through and find what the submitted runs are to 40 and add them accordingly.

I also wanted to do a further run like 100, but I have been requested to do 90 instead for that as well, so same thing will go for this, I will make a poll and let it be decided from that.

Please if you can state the reasons why you think the category should be 40 or 50, this will help the overall discussion I think, because it may be obvious why to you but not others.

Short mine run Poll - http://www.strawpoll.me/7054984 Long mine run Poll - http://www.strawpoll.me/7055433

Hesse, Germany

I had said: The Mines are 120 Levels deep...so go 60 or full, but if this issn't an option, I'm going to vote for 40.

United States

@ph1l you make a very good point, and exactly why I wanted to see some discussion on this. I may have to redo the polls. If anyone else also agrees with this just post a comment and I will have to change it all up. The game is still new I just want to set up categories that make the most sense to everyone.


I think 40 is best still, I voted that in the poll when you made it.

I think its best because 40-50 in mines is considerably harder than 40 is, and requires a lot more planning. I think 40 is short mines.

It also ties in with one of the early quests you get in your journal.

United States

Right now I would say Im leaning towards 40 and 120, I think 40 will be a solid quick run for people to do, and I agree about the quest thing. Also it is the first major change you encounter, other then the dark caves. 120 also just feels better knowing how the mines work now, originally I was thinkning the nice round numbers of 50 100 made sense but once you know the mine kinda goes in sets, thw 40 120 makes more sense I think. But as always I'll let other post there thoughts and try to decide it as a community.


i think 40 and 120 are great marks for the mines category.

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