Slodder% routes
Slodder% routes
Geüpdatet 2 years ago door Apostol_Jenicek

Check PBs to see what strats are used for the routes. Some levels are worth switching for a different one, if you can't do the corresponding strat. For example 3-12 with Josef only saves time if you do it first try, so you can switch it for another level, etc. Other kinda worth it bandages not included in these routes are 2-5x WZ, 2-12x and 4-16.

vorpal's route: 1-3 to 1-5 + WZ 1-3x & 1-5x 1-7 to 1-20 (unlock HeadCrab at 1-18) 1-10x 1-13x WZ 1-14x & 1-15x 1-17x to 1-19x

2-1 to 2-12 WZ 2-12 to 2-17 2-15x & 2-16x 2-10x (meat) 2-6x & 2-7x (unlock Joseph) 2-4x

3-1 to 3-5 WZ 3-5 to 3-7 (hominid), then 3-7 WZ (josef) 3-3x, 3-5x to 3-7x 3-8 to 3-12 (3-11 & 12 joseph) 3-14 (joseph) to 3-18 3-14x (joseph)

4-2 (joseph), 6, 9, 13 (unlock naija)

my route: Forest – 18 bandages

1-3 -> 1-5 and repeat for wz 1-3x 1-5x 1-7 -> 1-20 (unlocking Headcrab after 1-18) 1-10x 1-13x wz 1-14x -> 1-15x 1-17x -> 1-19x

Hospital – 14 bandages

2-1 -> 2-12 wz 2-13 -> 2-17 2-20 2-15x -> 2-16x 2-6x -> 2-7x (unlocking Josef and Hominid after 2-7x) 2-4x (Josef) 2-10x (Josef)

Factory – 15 bandages

3-1 to 3-7 and repeat for wz (from 3-4 Josef) 3-5 wz 3-5x -> 3-7x (Josef, unlocking 8-bit meat boy after 3-6x) 3-8 -> 3-12 (from 3-11 Josef) 3-14 -> 3-15(Josef) 3-14x (Josef) 3-18 - > 3-20

Hell – 3 bandages

4-2 (Josef) 4-6 4-9 (unlocking Naija afterwards, repeat level and dash left)

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