A obsolete run of mine was rejected because the run started before the video, but it clearly didn't.
3 years ago
New York, USA

Just wanted to know what the mod meant by that comment(also I already beat that time by 13 secs, its just really frustrating anyway).

United States

ye it sucks but at least it was obselete


You probably got speed before your video started. Sometimes we can't be 100% sure whether a player has speed before running past the yellow line (f.e. if they start right in front of the line & the ingame timer is running already) so we reject those runs in most cases. However, you can prevent this from happening by resetting the ingame timer before starting a new run.

Beanos, kkubagurPL, en Ivory vindt dit leuk
Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

could you send the video?


Ivory u can click on hes profile and see al hes record just search for hes record there and watch the video

Tyne and Wear, England

rejected runs cant be seen in profiles

sage211 en Ivory vindt dit leuk

ow yeah, i see im sorry that i did not notice that.

New York, USA

i think its on my yt channel if u do actually want to see it its the time of 7:20 and my channel is kubagurPL

Tyne and Wear, England

i found the video, you already had the speed boost from the yellow start line before you started the run, and the run starts when you get that boost, so the run did start before the video started and therefore the mods were right to reject it.

ImLozPlaysOnYT, Beanos en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk
New York, USA

also hirassy thanks for clearing it up! :)

Beanos en Godofhappy vindt dit leuk
Nottinghamshire, England

oof sad times also i posted a run and it got rejected because of no video but ive seen loads of over verified runs with no videos

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new game update 10/22/22

game update!!! load times are gone. yippee!! so a lot of runs will get faster and stuff

also, the in game time setting will (probably) be removed from the time settings thing because we dont use it and its a huge inconvenience for mods happy update !

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