Laggy inventory (W10)
6 years ago

Running on 1.1 patch (SRT and AutoSplitter both work perfectly fine) I only ran untill RPD and it worked perfectly. But as soon as i open up my inventory i get massive lag (inputs getting ignored delayed by 1.5s ~).

I tried already 1.0 & 1.1 both same issues. I am on windows 10. I have tried changing compatibility mode. I ran as administrator before.

Anyone who has ideas or had this before?

  • tried fullscreening - didn't help anything (made it only more laggier)
  • tried demounting the game - didn't help much either

I guess trying to reinstall the game might help?

I read someone windows updated. But no clue where to find these. If someone finds something somewhere halp <3


She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

I had the same problem with Win 10, i switched to 7 and no more menu lag.


@AiKaiman - Sure but i kinda wanna stay on windows 10 on my main desktop and also don't feel like going onto my crappy laptop which probably can't stream so :.

small update: i run at stable 27-29 fps ingame throughout the whole game. but inventory spikes up to 39 fps first .2s then goes instantly to 9 fps for some seconds and then goes back to 39 for a small amount and back to 9 fps. If i could make the game run nonstop at 29 fps (even in inventory) that would help somehow a bit i guess.

United Kingdom

This isn't related solely to Windows 10 anyway, as I run on Windows 10 with no such issue.

Not sure what the cause of this is though, might be a specific set of GPUs.


Hmh i tried messing around with nvidia settings but didn't help anything at all. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX980. Just gonna keep this thread open if other people would actually encounter this but for now its whatever. Lets hope for someone finding something in the future :)