Rayman Legends Any% Co-op Routing
6 years ago
Oregon, USA

This is something I've always wanted to see at some point. I want to see if it's possible to put together a route that optimizes co-op using the Wii U version, the version that SHOULD be the fastest version with Co-op due to touch screen Murfy that can drag platforms or rotate platforms practically instantly in Murfy Levels, and the fact that Murfy is able to be used in ANY level, which allows Murfy to tickle any enemy on screen for double Lums, or scrub over any yellow Lum on screen and turn them into purple Lums, turning some levels that would otherwise not be feasible as a Lucky Ticket level suddenly turn into a Lucky Ticket level. I don't know when or even if there is a chance that two decent runners of this game can come together and do runs like this, but I would at least like to see some things planned out just in case something like this turns up.

Plus there's co-op boosting, which is done by having one player stand on top of the other player, the player on top holds either left or right, punches in place, then jumps off to gain a shit ton of speed, which would obviously be useful in a large selection of places. I believe there are alternate methods of co-op boosting on levels that allow you to attack other players (which is most of them, just the invasions in the current route don't allow this), and attacking them with a back kick gives the player being kicked a ton of speed too, though I don't know if this reaches the maximum possible speed like the traditional IL co-op boost does. That's another reason I'd like to see this kind of route get AT LEAST planned out, because Co-op Rayman Legends on the Wii U has so much potential it's not even funny to be the fastest way to beat the game.

São Paulo, Brazil
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

I used to discuss doing this run with Downie a couple years back. We were supposed to do it at ESA but shit got in the way and I wasn't able to go. My only hope of ever being able to do this is going to a GDQ and hoping somehow that Spikeis there and willing to route it out.

I could possibly try to brainstorm some kind of new route, but I don't know if it'll be accurate since I haven't booted up my Wii U in over half a year.

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