Having trouble with Whispy and Krako
7 years ago
California, USA

I noticed in one of Kinnin's runs, he's able to kill Whispy in 3-4 hits. It takes me a lot more. How can I put in more damage? Same thing with Krako. In his first stage, it takes him 2 hits, but for me 3. And with his second stage, it takes him about 3-4 hits, and for me it takes 5. How can I put in more damage? Am I doing something wrong? I'll post a vid if further explanation is needed. Thanks.


yeah, when you're doing Spring Breeze practice, make sure you do it off of a fresh file. Because Spring Breeze actually makes some bosses have a little bit more health if you play it again. I don't know why it's a thing, but it's a thing.

California, USA

That's odd. Thanks!

Maryland, USA

ng+ category confirmed?????

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