Glitch List So Far
Glitch List So Far
Geüpdatet 6 years ago door oddtom
  • When you restart a game from the menu or after you win or lose, you will always start exactly where you were when the last game ended.
  • The game prioritizes parsing user input over internal stuff, so if you spam keys you can freeze CPU movement, hit-box detection, sprite cycling, and even gravity. I use the number keys because they're right under the Function keys and easy to get to. Try jumping, then hitting "1", "2", and "3" rapidly in no particular order and watch Kevin fly away!
  • Using the trick above, you run right past the baddies without them catching you. It makes the game super easy.
  • Most rooms have hit-boxes at either end that send you to the next room when triggered. Using the trick above, it is possible to completely run past the "next room" box and off the screen.
  • In Buzz's room (and possibly others?) there is an invisible shelf that you can land on that stretches for most of the middle of the room near the top. Just use your superman jump to reach it and watch the burglars spazz out beneath you trying to reach you.
  • I haven't quite figured out why, but if you land on a "next room" hit-box going the wrong direction / unexpected side / ???, it will send you to somewhere in the "first hallway" room. I have no idea how this one works, and I can only make it work semi-consistently. Potentially the most useful glitch for warping past rooms.
  • If you run out of traps and you have the bb gun, a box will appear in the basement. There's something wrong with the internal variable, so it doesn't reset between games, whether you get caught, win, or restart from the menu. This means you can grab the box of extra bbs on one run, and you will have it without triggering it the next time the baddies show up on the next run. ¤HOWEVER¤ this also works the other way around. By that, I mean that once you use up the ten extra damage points, it won't show up again. (The text box will say it's there, but it doesn't show up after the first time, no matter how many times you reset it.) You'll have to turn the game off and back on before it will appear again.
  • Going off the map in a room that doesn't have a "next room" hit-box seems to be permanent. (to the right in the basement, to the left in the third hallway, to the right in the attic, etc)
  • If you spam the keys as Kevin is falling, you will keep falling through the floor and reappear up top. I don't know why the devs accounted for this when they didn't account for really anything else.
  • When doing the thing above, there is a small sliver of area near the bottom of the screen somewhere between the floor and the trigger that you can land in and stay when you stop spamming the keys at a certain fall height. I've only done it twice, but you basically land on a "floor" below floor level and can continue the game as normal (sorta) without the baddies being able to reach you.
  • Not a glitch, but some things can be put in really weird places. For instance, although the red hot poker thing can ¤only¤ go on the front door knob, there are other objects that can also go on the front door knob. So far, I have found that the flour, firecrackers, and paint can can all be placed on the front doorknob for a free hit when Harry tries to get in.
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Geplaatst 6 years ago
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