New Kinda Yoloish Cherry Poppers Dupe Strat
7 years ago
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Yes because you instapass CP 5 times, you complete hit the courier and then just move onto cap the collectors since you've technically completed 7 assets (Estate/Printworks/CP x5)


[anti's posts restoration project] I guess this kinda counts as just a general optimization but I'm making this it's own thread because this saves a very significant amount of time. However it's dangerous so unless you're comfortable with it and are semi-willing to face the consequences then here it is. The video is self explanatory but I will cover the pros and cons of this: [deleted video] Pros: ¤Saves roughly 12-15 seconds (VS Mhmd_FVC's 53:01) ¤Activating Cherry Poppers mission sooner, therefore passing sooner Cons: ¤Timing to get back on bike and warp back is tight (Only half a second to a second) ¤Bike is at risk of blowing up later

Note: I chainsaw the door after the first van entry so I don't have to reopen it every dupe and still be able to exit the van in the cutscene.

[My own response] Starting "Ice Cream Mission" during Hit The Courier actually passes "Ice Cream Mission" - it is called "instapass" - instant mission pass. The way it works is very technical.

This particular instapass works only on the Japanese version (and 2 others that have major deficits) - other instapasses only work in the international version.

For All Missions and 100%, international is probably better.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
California, USA

That reminds me, is there a thread that explains how this works?

Check KZ's guide if you want it written down (listed under hit the courier)

or watch mh's tutorial

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