The Game
3 years ago

Anyone remember this?

'Cos if you do you just lost it

You dun goofed boi

PS: But in all seriousness, I'm actually interested in knowing whether people have heard from this ancient meme (and if so, when and where), given that I suspect that it'll be unknown for quite a few people.

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago
Zanum, grnts en 9 anderen vindt dit leuk
New York, USA

I'm amazed this is still going around. I learned about this like a decade ago. (Also it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the thread title so that says a lot.) Also, did anyone else hear the rule that you win if the current pope says "I lost the game" or variations thereof? Or was that something unique to the bum-fuck-almost-nowhere-but-really-just-on-the-edge-of-every-nearby-somewhere town I lived in?

Zanum, M_CBL_ en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk

@Lieutenant_Boo I don't recall ever hearing that rule about the Pope to be honest, but given the weird nature of The Game it's not really that out there.

Zanum en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk
New Jersey, USA


Zanum, Slothboy78YT en 15 anderen vindt dit leuk

Oh dear, I feared this day would come

Zanum en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk
United States

It's not too prominent, but one mention nowadays and many will grimace in anger.

There's a relevant xkcd comic about this.

Zanum, M_CBL_ en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk
French Southern Territories

I don't think I've heard of "the game" until today, but maybe I did a long time ago and forgot it. I did a bit of research and nobody really know when it started, but it's estimated it's origin could be all the way back in 1977! The earliest known reference to it on the internet is from 2002.

dont quote me on this my "research" was

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago
Zanum, TwitterLover, en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk
Ohio, USA

I would’ve won the game if you didn’t remind me of the game smh.

Zanum en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk

[quote=TrenttheN642]I would’ve won the game if you didn’t remind me of the game smh.[/quote]

@TrenttheN642 Then I'm afraid that seeing this again won't improve things either

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5, en Walgrey vindt dit leuk
New Jersey, USA

banned again

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 11 anderen vindt dit leuk
Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I am angry. I am not happy. I dislike this forum post. Delete. Now. angryfac e emoticon🥶🧐🥶

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk

How do I delete other people posts?

Zanum, Gaming_64 en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk
New York, USA

Become full mod Abuse power

or alternatively, keep pushing for the forum mod idea and get put in that position

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5, en Pear vindt dit leuk

[quote=Lieutenant_Boo]Become full mod Abuse power

or alternatively, keep pushing for the forum mod idea and get put in that position[/quote]

@Lieutenant_Boo You forgot other alternatives, such as:

  • Acquiring ELO ownership to appoint yourself as a moderator
  • Hack into the servers to delete the post
  • Perform black magic

...but on second thought, I guess I'd go with pushing the idea for forum mods as well. :)

Bewerkt door de auteur 3 years ago
Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk
French Southern Territories


Zanum en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk
New York, USA

I actually thought of buying out ELO (or getting the site from them) right after I posted that but I didn't care enough to edit my post or post again

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

the ban quote scares me

Zanum en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk
French Southern Territories


Sticky please?

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
Zanum en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk


That's just evil man.

I like that.

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk

Rename it to "Image Macro Memory Simulator Deluxe 2021"

Zanum en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk