How to Run 007 Racing
How to Run 007 Racing
Geüpdatet 2 years ago door MewsSnep

Quick note: at the end of each level you will need to hit start, and then quit replay. If it says mission successful at the top you can quit out, you'll have to learn the timing of these because doing it too soon or too late can lose you a couple seconds.

Escape to the Border: Ok this is going to sound like a lot but its not that bad. Grab the hellfire, turn left and shoot the door. Drive in making sure to grab the stinger missile as you perform a hand break turn, this is so you can shoot the barrier after the hostage gets in the car. Now drive straight turning left at the fork, and get ready with the stinger missile. Shoot the stinger missile to take out the helicopter as soon as the indicator turns green, and then fire the hellfire into the barrier and continue straight. Follow the road, and be careful with the jump and then just follow the road and jump the final ramp into the helicopter.

Gimmie a Brake: This level is pretty self explanatory just follow the arrow, and go fast.

Ambush: This level can be pretty tough. To start the level swing left, grab the hellfire, then back to the back right corner grabbing a second hellfire on your way, but not the third! Save the third for later as you hand break turn, the two cars should be in front of you and you should be facing their spawn. Shoot the hellfire at them to destroy then, (you might take a lot of damage if they're close but that's fine) then shoot the cars as they spawn and try to leave the alleyway. Once they stop spawning grab the stinger missile, and destroy the gate. The forklifts can be really annoying, so try to swing right and do your best to hide to the right of the bomb box so the forklift to the left will run into the bomb. If he hits it or if he misses drive over to the far side of the other bomb box and hide behind it, repeat until both forklifts are destroyed. Then stinger, explode the door, rush down the path and over the jump. Grab the EMP that's down to the right, and bring it back up to start destroying the computers. The EMP looks like a laser and has the same sort of hitbox, not very wide front to back, but the length sticking out from the side of you might be more then you think. Hit all the computers in the first room, and then when you drive up to the second room turn right and destroy the computers going around the outside counter clockwise. Once they're destroyed yeet yourself out the window.

Highway Hazard: (more to come)

lvl 5

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