A couple of days ago, on our Discord server, we revealed our Neon White Events Twitch channel. We're going to use this channel to stream our first event, the Neon White Individual Level Tournament!
Mirroring the announcement post from our Discord: (join btw, discord.gg/neonwhitespeedruns)
Hello everyone! We teased you about this announcement a few days ago...
The mod and event teams are excited to announce our first event, the 2022 Neon White IL Tournament!
The sign up form and more information can be found here: https://forms.gle/ex6ZrDzQo1L533Hi9
Sign ups close October 9, 2022, and the tournament starts October 16, 2022.
The event will be a double elimination style tournament. There will be no qualifiers; your seed is determined by your Global Neon Rank when the bracket is made (compared to other entrants). Matches will be played live on our events channel! (https://www.twitch.tv/neonwhiteevents)
And finally, Prizes!
1st place - Three Steam game keys as provided by imfallinfree, winner role in the speedrunning Discord. 2nd place - Two Steam game keys as provided by imfallinfree, runner-up role in the speedrunning Discord. 3rd place - One Steam game key as provided by imfallinfree
If you're interested, sign up using the form above. Good luck to our players! (We're also looking for commentators for matches during this event! If you're interested you can sign up using the event sign-ups!)
Finally, we are still bringing event helpers on to our team. If you're interested, you can apply using this form: https://forms.gle/wPvyFuuwf67nMQqE7
Thank you all for your time!
A final note: In order to participate in this event, you must join both our events Discord and our speedrunning Discord. A link to the speedrun Discord was posted above, and a link to our events Discord can be found in the #rules-and-info channel from our speedrunning Discord. Additionally, you must be able to at LEAST record with OBS (streaming is PREFERRED) and play at the same time. If this is unfeasible for you, please contact the speedrun.com moderators to see if we can accommodate you.
Thanks for reading, and good luck to our competitors! Be there October 16th :D
A couple of days ago, on our Discord server, we revealed our Neon White Events Twitch channel. We're going to use this channel to stream our first event, the Neon White Individual Level Tournament!
Mirroring the announcement post from our Discord: (join btw, discord.gg/neonwhitespeedruns)