Strategy Discussion
1 year ago

This is the thread for discussing new strategies, either suggestions, or point-by-point operations.

I beat Map 16. In fact, I may have happened upon a strategy that beats the current World Record.

There is a Factory to the far left part of the Map. If you Capture it, you basically win, as it has a Giant, a Pelican (that you can put the Giant in as well as an on-foot unit to get to the S.A.M.) and three Hunters, and more after that. Usually, the Computer gets this. However, it is possible for you to get it.

Guide the two Rabbits as well as any other vehicle you can manage, across the rocks on the far left part of the Map. The more strength in numbers you have, the better. This leaves open the middle part of the Map, but you needn't be concerned about that. When guiding your Kilroy to the Factory, form a small defense perimeter with a few Units you have from the start and your first Factory, and use your Giant to guard your Prison Camp.

You have a Factory to the right of the Map as well, which has seven Units. Bring them all out and on the second turn, wheel your Mule to place an Atlas in between the two Factories on the track. Guide a Hawkeye near it so Hunters won't go near it while using your two Falcons to try and block/defeat it. Even though Falcons can't fight ground enemies, they can block them. You have access to both Factories, so drive Units with low counts back in to fully restore them while bringing out more Units from the bottom Factory. The Atlas should stop the enemy's Charlie from taking your Factory from you, as well as greatly benefit you for other enemies.

Have a few tanks, such as your Titan, at the ready for incoming enemies next to your Giant while close enough to the Factory in case their counts get low. Ride a Panther to the left of the screen with plenty of tanks to defend it. Your Eagle and Rabbits will be able to reach the Atlases and take them out, which is very useful, and once you have Captured the Factory, your Hunters will do the rest. You can Pelican an on-foot Unit (such as your Panther) to the SAM once the Atlases surrounding it have been destroyed. You don't even need to get the one(s) that aren't near it. Then you win.

Missouri, USA

Hey! That's great! So.... where's the Speedrun? I have received no submissions, and when I look on your profile, it says you've done zero Speedruns of any game. zero. I even tried looking up your profile on YouTube, but it's been deleted. Come to think of it, the only submitted time you have ever given for Military Madness (which I beat), was also deleted shortly after I conquered it, removing any clout that you could have possibly had in this forum or anything to do with this game. So why should I believe a word that you say? Please, submit the video and show me the time so I can beat it. Otherwise, you're not worth anyone's.

Missouri, USA

I don't believe you have the reflexes.

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