Reserved (hole->scoreboard->hole time measurements tbd) By this we'll be able to give a rough estimate of how much time saved, after a few runs on jp are completed
Estimate for those curious: Any% / All (Star) Tournaments: 2m30s-3m 100%: 15-20m (character matches are also much faster) 108 Badges: 2m30s-3m 216 Badges: 5m-6m Ring Attack: roughly even, camera panning speed is the only difference so possibly 5-10s
Edited by the author
$1000 Any% Speedrun World Record Bounty [no ending date]
(Edited from the forum post here for the news tab):
This bounty is for the first person to take the Any% WR (NTSC) at any given point, meaning it extends indefinitely from this date onward. I (Bluekandy) may continue to run the category and update my own WR, but I am exempt from the bounty—and
Recent runs
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