[Guide] Getting Started in running NG+ All main ops Perfect Stealth No kill.
8 years ago

Guide is done YAY. Took 3 days to have all the video ref, and time stamp.

/!\ Time in this guide are the time of the video. Disregard any timer that might be display in the footage. /!\

First words:

-Requirement: ---Difficulty: For those strats to work you need to have certain Dynamic Difficulty up in your game (Those aren't hard to trigger as around mission 3 you will end up having those if you had nothing at the start of your run) in order: -Cameras -Decoy -Mine -shotgun -machine gun -Body Armor -shield -Flash Light (Sometime Flash Light is randomly disable i don't know what cause that.) (You want to maintain that state wich is display by the number 8 in your menu if you finish all outer ops related to the "story") If you happend to see that number going up by one start an opperation against it, as it tend to leave the RNG as it is. (I didn't test it, it's the way i assume it's and since you have a lot of heli waitting is really easy to keep track of)

---Weapons -You will need to have an R&D level 56 to unlock The Serval and silence (level 62) it. -The WormHole Fulton -the EMN-Mine -Burkov TB -Smoke Grenade last grade (as they last for 1 minute) -200 Haoma per run at least.

I suggest you always use Noctayamin & Pantazemine when you have time in the chopper. as it make you aiming perfect. and allow you to react to non normal things in this run, wich will happend a lot of time.

Please if you don't understand something that i do in the footage or explain first read my guide on the game mechanics: http://www.speedrun.com/mgsv/thread/whxsn


-----------------------------------MO 00 Prologue: Awakening Pretty straight foward mission. And easy to understand.

There's only 3 tricks in this mission:

05:30 Crawling in front of the nurse to get the boost from Ishmael.

10:18 Rushing as close as possible of the guard to get an instant cutscene.

note: Do not waste your time shooting the fire Extingusher you rather want to sprint to the next trigger and wait for Ishmael to kill one of the dude.

As soon as Ishmael shoot of the guards your free to run past the first soldier as it disable the script that instantly would kill you other wise.

The horse ride need extensive testing, as it seems that Volgin won't always do the same amount of undodgeable attacks. I'm not whilling to do it.

-----------------------------------MO 01 Phantom Limbs 43:09 46:50 At the very start of the video you will see me use a checkpoint, that is to force the RNG in the town where miller is being held to be always the same.

I'm also not calling the chopper asap the reason being the RNG in the town where Miller is being held is huge and i don't want to deal with that. You loose around 5 to 10 secondes by doing so.

01:25 If you happend to be too much on the left or too slow on guards in the distance will always see you, and stop you from use the cardboard box right away. ---Note that if you tranq the guard, and bump into it after that with D-Horse he will woke up. as the game will think you purposefully wanted to hit the guard.

02:02 You want to take out this first guard everytime. Because of the AA gun near him that will end up using it and killing you in the chopper pretty much every time.

02:30 Call the Heli as soon as you get out of Miller cutscene to redirect it to the near by LZ and avoid the skull encounter.

02:44 Since you got time i highly suggest taking out those 2 guards because one of them tend to rush toward the 2nd AA gun, and the 2nd to the first AA gun. Therefore making you sure that you wont die in the chopper.

-----------------------------------MO 02 MB tutorial Doesn't need any video. All you need to know is that: You need 3 Dudes to make the cardboard box. And Ocelot Line about R&D will start as soon as you get the first dude extracted. Note that Diving toward ocelot make him start his script earlier (Just dont hit him..).

-----------------------------------MO 03 A Hero's Way Use the base LZ.

00:54 the E marker is the place where you want to drop D-Walker as it's the closest and safe drop point that you could use.

01:52 Try to launch yourself to the sand bags to game a little edge time wise. And start to Load your Stun Arm asap

02:08 You might notice that i don't release my stun arm asap. There is multiple reason to that: -1) You wont reach the guard in the watch tower since he would be around 43 meters (stun arm range is 40 meters) -2) There is a car comming toward you wich also happend to be out of range.

02:14 this is the point where you want to release your stun arm that way you are certain that you it everybody in the vicinity.

02:30 Use the barrels as visual clue to what path you can take while sprinting without making noise that will attract the enemy on your left.

02:40 Use the Delivery systeme to get out of the hotzone.

-----------------------------------MO 04 C2W

C2W is easy, start mission @ 18:00 shoot all the antenna. Switch sit and you are done.

-----------------------------------MO 05 Over the Fence 00:56 there is 2 claymores on the left of that Tree Stick on the right and aim for the stone.

01:16 the dude that you see in the middle might sometime turn around and look at you, sometime he will just start walking away from you.

01:16 Start charging your stun arm.

01:20 start crounching past this point as you will enter the FOV of the guard on your right.

01:29 use this place as reference to be certain to hit the 2 dudes inside the building.

-----------------------------------MO 06 Where do the bees Sleep? First of all you want to switch from D-Walker for D-Horse as the clip make your life much more easier because of the combat statue that the enemies are under going.

00:14 you want to clip through this wall wich isn't hard once you practice it.

01:06 i suggest equiping NVG & The Honey bee has the next part will have mist.

01:22 you want to sprint that way at the start of the fight, as sometime ALL Skulls will jump in front of you allowing you to get rid of all skulls in less than 10 secondes. (BE careful of the splash damage that does the Honey Bee. IF you happend to kill a puppet Soldier you got to redo the mission from the start.)

01:45 i suggest taking place here as it's safe from most enemies FOV (Note sometime a dude will be near those crate stand above his body and CQC him at the end of the Phantom cig)

01:50 redirect the chopper that miller call to the HotZone, use the phantom cig once you start using the phantom cig start spamming the Item shortcut to cancel it asap.

-----------------------------------MO 07 Red Brass Pick south west LZ Switch D-Horse for D-Walker . Nothing to fancy, just overall timing work well. The Commander are always on the non driver front sit of cars.

03:00 you want to jump and not to stop D-Walker for the noise that it would make

03:04 You want to CQC him by throwing him to the wall as it's faster to get the pompt of the Fulton.

-----------------------------------MO 08 Occupation Forces

01:15 Redirect Pequod to the near by LZ so you can use the chopper to exit the hotzone.

02:07 it's not that clear on the vod but on your game you should be able to see 2 differents type of road ditch D-Walker at the centre of the road, and between the 2 type of road.

02:16 it's important to dive/craw starting from that point to not get spotted by the first tank.

02:29 What you want to aim for for your sprint here, is where the tank is going to be not where he is as you wont be able to fulton right await if you dont do so.

02:45 you can see that tank moving you can just shoot him to make him stop right away but this isn't needed usualy.

-----------------------------------MO 09 & 10 Backup, back down, Angel with Broken Wings Drop south west LZ

02:03 Set a way point where i do a little outside of the AO

01:26 Do not aim for the near by vehicule but rather for the little hill where i'm heading. This will allow you to skip one of Millers line.

01:55 Get ouside of the Hotzone and get ready to use the Phantom Cig

Start mission 10 from the ground, and head to it's starting point. Try to bump into the starting point as D-Walker Placement is usualy great that way.

03:29 Shoot the Armored Vehicule with the .50 Caliber Asap as it will trigger the AI of the 2 near by dude to escape of this zone.

03:29 Call Pequod on a near by LZ.

03:48 distracting this dude is optional i just do it because we have time, and it make it 100% safe.

04:09 stungun the driver and his passager, get out the POW and throw him to D-Walker. Use D-Walker to reach the chopper as it's faster.

Exit by chopper as it's one of the fastest Chopepr extraction in the game.

-----------------------------------MO 11 & 12 Cloaked in Silence, Hellbound

Start MO11 @ 18 as it's make Hellbound start around 18:30~

00:27 Straight foward with the Serval 1 head shot 1 body shot dead.

00:32 use the Knee of quiet as a visual clue to know when to shot the 2nd one. (Thanks to Zefie to making me aware of the possibilite to land multiple shot at the arch)

00:34 Exit the Hotzone by foot as it allow you to skip 5 cutscenes and a waiting choice.

01:19 Start hellbound from the ground.

01:43 Distract shot, or Headshot this guard.

02:00 Distract shot those 2 guards.

02:24 Go for a Bodyshot on the sniper on the top because when you will try to connect head shot you will most of the time endup hitting the wall behind or below him.

02:35 Use the box to fast travel to the Central Camp

02:43 Call & Setup the D-Walker Smoke grenade glitch.

03:48 Use a checkpoitn as soon as you reach Huey, as the enemy will be in Alert state wich make them random. you dont wan't to deal with that.

05:15 Redirect heli to the next LZ as you are certain that it will work everytime.

-----------------------------------MO 13 Pitch Dark 00:07 Buddy spawning manipulation look away from your buddy to make him spawn near you

00:40 take out the watch tower guard, and the guard on the look out near the delivery box

01:23 start crounching & charging your stun arm.

02:10 take out this guard is important has he might spot you

02:20 get on top of a container to take a shot at the tank

-----------------------------------MO 14 Lingua Franca Just rush the Viscount position, extract by the north east as it's faster.

-----------------------------------MO 15 Footprints of Phantoms Straight foward mission. Drop on the hotzone If you happend to destroy every Walker Gear before the landing zone you just happend to leave the LZ. Note that i'm calling in a Safe supply drop, because if you run out of suppressor enemies will spot you.

-----------------------------------MO 16 Traitors' Caravan

Honestly do you really need a guide for this one ? Yes ?..

01:00 redirect Pequod to the Airfield HOTZONE

01:02 go around the right of the air field because it's faster.

02:10 Fulton the truck. If you are telling yourself but wait this dude just had an alert right here. That probably mean you didn't read my guide about tips & tricks.

02:23 Extract by container because it's faster than a chopper lifting off.

-----------------------------------MO 17 Rescue the intel agents

00:55 Redirect Pequod to Kaziba Camp so he can get rid of some guards there.

01:26 Stungun the first guard

01:28 don't stungun the guard as in the video just rush and bump into him with D-Walker

02:00 keep an eye on 3 things there. -1 is there anybody alive near the AA explosion -2 is the dude near the 2nd POW still alive -3 is the dude near the tent on the little hill pass the 2nd POW still alive.

02:07 when you reach the fence, if the guard at the tent on the hill is alive i suggest throwing a smoke nade as the max range of it will drop it on him everytime.

-----------------------------------MO 18 Blood runs Deep

01:20 you will run into 3 dudes here. If more than 1 dude happen to see you, you wont be able to do this fastest strat and will have to leave D-Walker behind after the first extraction.

01:46 Stun gun those 2 dudes or they will see you.

01:48 Call Heli at the mine, use box trick.

02:58 Pick only the wounded kid and drop him in the chopper extract by container because it's faster. (Note that if you use the stungrenade launcher you got to be fast as the stun duration is really short on it.)

-----------------------------------MO 19 One the Trail Straigth foward mission

00:59 Look out for Zebra as sometile they will try to run in front of you wich will stop you.

01:30 Aim near all the guards (major position) with the Stun grenade launcher that should take everybody out

01:43 Watch out for the chopper position just in case he come your way.

-----------------------------------MO 20 Voices

<<Old Footage>>

02:17 note that here you can avoid those 2 guards by sticking on the right.

03:41 Shooting the dude on the table (dont shot through the curtain) will allow you to skip the first cutscene.

04:49 Fultoning Volgin allow you to stunhim long enough to run into the tunel. (Wormhole needed)

-----------------------------------MO 21 The War Economy

This mission is heavy RNG dependent because of the usage of Pequod. You got to practice it. On 1 rare occasion Pequod happend to kill the target for me. (1 time out of 60 attempts..)

-----------------------------------MO 22 Retake the platform

02:55 Setup to reach all enemies in the struct with the stun arm. Those footage are here just for reference as this mission RNG is madness(more than 5 differents guards positioning / Reaction per struct).

I'm not even talking about enemies seeing you through walls.

You have to practice this mission if you intend to perfect stealth full game run and start to get a feeling if a guard is missing on your way.

As there is no checkpoint start to finish you really need to practice it. Belive me you will hate this mission. Failling mean, that you have to start from scratch and sit though the opening cutscene AGAIN.

Worth mentioning is that the use of a Grenade Launcher seems to froze AI sometime wich is really good for us. (The noise that the shot make rather than the smoke) Special thanks to user Zefie to help me with the huge issue that i had on this mission.

-----------------------------------MO 23 The White mamba 01:29 Bump into the first 2 kids 01:30 Stungun the third one 01:33 aim for the bridge on the right to ligne you up with the 2 kids on the boat 01:55 Use checkpoint as finishing you picked up Eli as it make your chopper scale on your deployment rate rather than the scripted one.

-----------------------------------MO 24 Close Contact

01:49 Stungun the first 2 guards

01:52 take care of the last guard around the tent & extract both POW

02:12 crounch before going on top of the container. Be on the look out for the guard watching the road as he will sometime turn around your way.

-----------------------------------MO 25 Aim True, Ye Vengeful Nothing too hard. Use D-Walker hand to pick the POW Exit as i do as it's the fastest way.

-----------------------------------MO 26 Hunting down This mission can be done by other mean that are faster, i'm using this strat because you cannot fail it.

01:30 setup the Smoke grenade glitch on D-Walker

01:56Rush the target and extract him. If you happend to be lucky sometime enemies will even kill the target for you making the exit 10% 20% closer

-----------------------------------MO 27 Root cause On your way on this mission there isn't that many threat only 2 packs of 2 soldiers.

01:49 It's important to go through this path as a enemy is near the building where you pick the POW You can avoid colision with the rocks as well.

The fastest exit is by the north east. -----------------------------------MO 28 Code Talker Code Talker mission is easy. No much room for improvement

01:54You want to avoid this skull, because if you bump into here she will go on a near by spot, and spot you. (Wich count as a alert)

02:46 Use the Stun Arm for the 2 dude inside the building, as it's really are to get both of them every time.

Use checkpoint to skip the talking, and walking of Code Talker. Call Chopper Look up as it make Puppet soldier dumb. use D-Walker to Carry Code Talker.

-----------------------------------MO 29 Metallic Archaea

For normal version i suggest using the Serval with a Close Quarter scope as skull don't have a lot of health. And since the manipulation of Armor skulls is really hard.

-----------------------------------MO 30 Skull Face

Use D-Walker Smoke Glitch to get past this mission.

-----------------------------------MO 31 Sahelanthropus CGM25 Last grade is OP. Use it. 1 supply drop needed at least.

-----------------------------------MO 32 To Know Too much This mission doesn't need a video. Rush the dude position. There is literaly 1 Walker-Gear on your way. there is no way this dude see you. Extract by land as it's faster.

-----------------------------------MO 33 C2W (Subsistence)

00:52 i suggest taking a good tape. Cause you have a long way to go. Take this opportunity to mark the crack in the wall so your trajectory is optimal.

01:08 Redirect Pequod to the Eastern communications post (Hotzone)

02:25 Note that Pequod AI, and guards of the outpost are trigger when you are within 400 meter, i suggest trigger it earlier than in the video to ensure you that he kill pretty much everybody in the camp.

03:04 There is 2 wolfs waitting for you here, as long as you sprint and don't get too close of them they wont attack you.

03:16 There is 2 claymores mines sometime here. Stick on the right to avoid them.

03:19 I choose to drop on the right for one reason. IF the Riot suit dude is still alive you will see him come toward you and have time to react.

Dropping on the left can put you foward of him, and he will spot you later.

Important note, it's possible to perfect stealth no kill with the chopper on the hotzone. But the timing is so hard that i happend to get it 2 times out of 50. At this point in a full-game run, you do not wish to take that risk. as C2W hot zone take 1minutes 38 secondes ~ Failling it 2 time make you loose time. Unless you have a perfect setup for it don't risk it. It isn't worth it.

-----------------------------------MO 34 Backup, back down Use the same strat as the normal version.

-----------------------------------MO 35 Cursed Legacy Use your tranq pistol to distract guards. GG.

-----------------------------------MO 36 Footprints of Phantom (Total Stealth)

In this version there is sniper preventing you to use the HotZone. 02:07 Call chopper when you drop from D-Walker 02:22 Aim for the control panel as it take less shot to destroy walkers gears.

-----------------------------------MO 37 Traitors' Caravan

Honestly do you really need a guide for this one ? Yes ?..

01:00 redirect Pequod to the Airfield HOTZONE

01:02 go around the right of the air field because it's faster.

02:10 Fulton the truck. If you are telling yourself but wait this dude just had an alert right here. That probably mean you didn't read my guide about tips & tricks.

02:23 Extract by container because it's faster than a chopper lifting off.

-----------------------------------MO 38 Extraordinary First of all learn the 3 possible spawn. Use your tranq Pistol to distract anoying guards. I won't be making a video for this mission as i'm a lazy man.

-----------------------------------MO 39 Over the fence (Total Stealth) Use the same strat as the normal version.

-----------------------------------MO 40 Cloacked in silence (Extreme)

Same strat as the normal version, but she got way more HP. I suggest you take a look at the IL to see how many time you can potentialy hit her. (Note that you cannot use the Acceleramine. As it void your Perfect Stealth.)

-----------------------------------MO 41 Proxy war without end

Drop South Take care of the 2 first Vehicules before landing. Head for the North of the Air FIeld use your phantom cig so every remaining vehicules come to it. Use Phantom Cig right after the last shot is fired so you gain some time (Start mission 42 from ground. Don't forget to equip the battle dress.)

-----------------------------------MO 42 Metalic Archaea (Extreme) GEt away from you starting position as you will be using the CGM25 and his AOE will probably kill a puppet soldier You will most likely need 1 supply drop.

-----------------------------------MO 43 Shining Lights, Even in death Cannot be done with the perfect stealth no kill sadly. But somehow this mission doesn't void your FoxHound badge

-----------------------------------MO 44 Pitch Dark (Total Stealth)

00:07 Buddy spawning manipulation look away from your buddy to make him spawn near you

00:40 take out the watch tower guard, and the guard on the look out near the delivery box

01:23 start crounching & charging your stun arm.

02:10 take out this guard is important has he might spot you

02:20 get on top of a container to take a shot at the tank

-----------------------------------MO 45 A Quiet Exit

For a Quiet Exit i suggest you use a the vehicule glitch wich make you invincible. Alos use a 30mm because he got a great rate of fire/damage, and the splash of the tanks will most likely make you kill footsoldier wich will force you to reset the mission. Right after the cutscene of Quiet use a checkpoint that will allow you to call Pequod on a near by LZ and have him help you

-----------------------------------MO 46 Truth: The man who sold the world. See prologue

-----------------------------------MO 47 The War Economy (Total Stealth) See normal version

-----------------------------------MO 48 Code Talker (Extreme) See normal version.

-----------------------------------MO 49 Occupation forces (subsistence) The time that you will get on this mission depend highly how the AI will react to the chopper.

Get a Dude, get an AK, freeze him on the ground GG. I personaly use 2 secondes set of subtitle to time everything right. (Being too fast at the truck part will make you fail you need Pequod to kill that dude for you as it's faster.)

-----------------------------------MO 50 Sahelanthropus (Extreme) Well.. Use CGM25, you will most likely need 3 supply drop. Plan ahead and call on every time you are going to pick one.

And congratulation you just happend to finish a run. How does this feel ? <<Pretty good>> I'd say. I cannot say for sure that i will maintaint this guide for ever obviously. But it will always be a great starting ground.

I want to thanks: The community of Speedrun.com for the massive improvement on Individual Level speedrun that help a lot this run. Special thanks to Pewable for finding out the Vehicule Glitch that make Mission 45 a joke (Use to do 130 shots with the serval to clean that mission..) Thanks to Zefie for pointing out some of the things that i was miss judging / doing & the help to make MO 22 way more consistent.

Watch me live @ www.twitch.tv/bre3zer Hope you guys enjoy the quick guide.


Guide is finished, i might update it from time to time to fit the newest hottest strats OneHand