Updates to Turbo Regulations
Updates to Turbo Regulations
Posted 1 month ago by

Hey everyone, we have a big announcement today.

As a result of continued feedback, the CMs have decided to revisit our ruling on turbo restrictions. Effective immediately and on all leaderboards, turbo will be allowed up to 21hz. The restriction on missile weaivng with turbo is also being lifted.

Unlike previous rulings, we did not have an officially sanctioned public discussion before coming to our decision. This issue has already been discussed at length in various feedback threads made by community members, and it was clear that doing so again would only further strain the community. Everybody has already made their thoughts known, so we instead discussed the state of the issue internally and came to a consensus.

We understand many people will be upset with this decision. When it comes to turbo, there's never been a perfect answer. Every ruling has always come at the cost of some part of the community, and as with every decision in the past, we've attempted to balance this to minimize the damage caused. After the many lengthy discussions and an internal revisit, we feel that the positives of loosening the restrictions far outweigh the negatives. We're certainly not happy about upsetting people with this, but it was also clear that not making this decision would upset even more.

Because of how nuanced this issue is and how many factors there are, we've compiled a document with a full explanation for the reasoning behind this decision. If you take issue with this decision or are otherwise concerned/curious, we ask that you please read this document. You can find it here.

That said, we will at least summarize the reasoning and have a short FAQ here:

  • Why was this decision made?

After considering many factors including (but not limited to) community activity, competitive integrity, controller availability, and runner health, we felt that the pros outweigh the cons. We feel that we stand to gain a net positive or at least not a net negative on any of these factors. The strongest factor was competitive balance, which turbo has been lagging behind in significantly.

  • Why not 17hz?

The main reason is controller availability. The doc goes into depth about this, but many 13hz controllers would see no speed increase under 17hz. Along with still lagging behind the best human mash, this would somewhat defeat the purpose. We felt that if we made the cap 17hz, we would have to eventually raise it to 21hz anyways.

  • Why not split the board?

Our goal with the boards is to provide an option for every way to view it. It's already possible to view a split board by using filters. While this isn't a perfect solution, it would be worse for those who want to see a combined board to be unable to do so than it would be for those who want to see a split board to need a few extra clicks each time they use the boards. Our reasoning is that it's clunky, but at least usable, unlike the alternative.

  • Will this decision be revisited?

We don't plan to revisit this decision. While this has also been the case with past rulings, our principles never changed. We just didn't predict the circumstances changing so dramatically as the gap between turbo and mashing got further. That gap will probably not get that wide again, and even if it does, we're limited by the controller market as controllers over this speed aren't widely available. This shows no sign of changing as controllers closer to 30hz are difficult to make. As of now, we see it as very unlikely this decision is revisited any time in the near future.

Thanks for reading.

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Feedback Form

Hey everyone!

As promised, we're following up on the recent turbo ruling with a feedback form. We're asking for feedback on the turbo ruling specifically, as well as general feedback. The results of this will be used to inform the next CM team's process going forward. You'll need to provide your sp

1 month ago
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