Re-branding "All Iron Doors"
8 months ago

So far All Iron Doors has been a bit of a meme mainly because the rules have been unclear, so here is my take on how we could potentially change it so that it could be a nice run.

I think the original idea behind "all iron doors" was to have a category that did not use any skips. I can't be sure though, but that is the direction I think would be cool for this category. So my idea is that we rename it to Any% No Skips, and the requirements will be the same, every iron door that the map creator intended for you to open to complete the map, need to be opened.

I will compile a concrete list at some point and make a little guide so that there is no confusion about what doors need to be opened. But basically this would make the category be like how the first run that moustachebleue submitted, where every puzzle is completed and nothing is really skipped:

My idea is that small shortcuts would still be allowed, as long as you do not skip over puzzles/iron doors that the map creator intended for you to complete/open. An example of a shortcut like this would be at 2:12 in moustachebleue's run:

Timestamp (2:12)

I think the category should also require you to follow all the map rules like in Any%. So moustachebleue's 22:40 would be inducted as the first world record for this category.

I would like to hear what you guys think about this. Maybe I am going in the complete wrong direction with this, but I think it could be cool. I'm pretty open to create new categories, since I think the shorter categories on this are a little grindy/boring.

Edit: typos.

Edited by the author 8 months ago
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So something along the lines of a « story% » or « all puzzles » ?

Why not. But because I don’t know if everyone here as completed the map regularly I will put a personal disclaimer :

It is a 1.2.5 map with extended redstone puzzles, it’s neat but slow and prone to break if you push it too hard in some ways.

Exemples here for anyone interested (and from memory, it’s been a while) :

The god puzzle is incredibly easy to lock and I lost at least 5 runs from it alone, it’s almost the final one too I think.

The carpet puzzle is really slow if you don’t want to brick it and even has a fail safe from the map maker (yeah, it’s not the best)

Some times the archery puzzle just doesn’t work because the painting doesn’t fly the right way.

And a final one which took me way too long :

Somehow the very first puzzle (organ) can lock if you have run the game for too long. I lost 3 runs in a row from that and I was surprised that resetting the map didn’t fix my issues.

I just reread my message. It’s also not that bad! Don’t get too scared, there’s definitely a bunch of possibilities to optimise all of this and I would love to see some competition on the other 90% of the map we never see now haha


Yea, the idea would be to play the map kind of like how the map was intended to be completed with a few optimizations and shortcuts that do not "violate the spirit of the map". So you could call it a sort of story% run haha.


Also on another note, I saw that someone made a remaster of this map. Maybe we should look into requesting a page for that to be created? I haven't played it yet, so I should probably do that first haha. To see if it's actually meaningfully different.

Here's the link for the remaster:

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Posted 8 months ago
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