게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

In order to ensure fairness between all platforms...We are now requiring all players that use a emulator, to only use PCSX2 1.7.4xxx - 1.7.5xxx Nightly version. You may only change the aspect ratio, and resolution. All other options must remain default. Any attempts to increase loading speed through the use of other options is prohibited. It is obvious when this rule is being broken, because the player will gain control of Ash, sub-40 seconds on level 1.

As of now, we are still not sure what causes some emulators to be so much faster, or slower. The version and options are most likely the cause.

However, we have not conducted enough experimentation between all emulators and options to fully determine the cause. These regulations are not set in stone, and we may make changes to these regulations any time in the future.

This is so we can keep the board together, and keep the competition fair between all players!

Thank you for understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience!


エミュレータで遊ぶ場合は「バージョン1.7.4 PCSX2 Nightlyのみ」という条件に限ります。 アスペクト比や解像度を変更することが可能です。ただし、他のオプションはデフォルト値のままにしておきます。 理由は、ステージ1でアッシュが行動できるようになるまでの時間が短縮されるためです。 ちなみに、ロード時間を短縮するために設定を変更したり、他のソフトを使用したりすることは禁止されています。 (ロード時間が短縮され全体の時間を短縮できるため) その理由は、すべてのプレイヤーに対して公平であるためです。 ただし、エミュレータに関しては現在調査中であり、原因はまだ完全には特定できておりません。 今後、規定を変更する場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。

-Lagoon Company

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

We are looking for players who are willing to take on this game to the fullest. Anyone can participate as long as they set the timer and play according to the categories.

If you have any questions, please contact a moderator.


このゲームにチャレンジするプレイヤーを、絶賛募集中です。 タイマーをセットして、カテゴリーに則ってプレイすれば、誰でも参加できます。


게임 통계
최신 뉴스
New regulations for emulation.

In order to ensure fairness between all platforms...We are now requiring all players that use a emulator, to only use PCSX2 1.7.4xxx - 1.7.5xxx Nightly version. You may only change the aspect ratio, and resolution. All other options must remain default. Any attempts to increase loading speed through

1 year ago