알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

Azrael, where abouts in England are you? We're from the South Coast and go via Gatwick. Best option is usually go to Copenhagen then train to Vaxjo. Cheapest flight from Gatwick is currently £85 but it might go down. It's £55 to Gothenburg. I love organising so if you give me a local airport or whatever one you want to use and what dates you plan to go I can give you a rough plan :)

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

I have special circumstances. I also asked about it before/at the start of the event but was told to wait until after.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

I love that this thread says tickets are refundable but now they're not. Great.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

To be fair I don't think people will see this since they'll be at the event or on Twitter. If you want, message me with everyone's names or send the document/list to me and I'll chase them down to let them know? :)

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Great job with the video tour, I'm so hype! The venue looks awesome! I'm guessing the mass housing is in the building we briefly see through the main entrance and is just a big dark room like the hall in the venue? Are the showers in the mass housing building or main venue?

I would be more than happy to help out with Inside ESA. I love getting involved and helping especially with events or marketing. I have helped out with ESA in terms of Twitter and moderating Twitch. I'll be at ESA so I can take photos or videos and give regular updates for the Insiders ;) I'm on Discord - Kitty#8506 <3

MizterConfuzing 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

The quad room is now full on Friday 22 but 2 spaces are still available for Thursday 21 if anyone is arriving really early. If 1 more person wants the room it would be 340 SEK / £30 / 35 euro each, if 2 more people want the room then it would be 260 SEK / £22 / 26 euro each :) this includes wifi and breakfast.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

At the moment we have 2 interested on Thursday 21 and 3 on Friday 22. So if anyone is still looking for a room we have 2 slots available for Thursday and 1 for Friday. Contact me if you want one :)

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

So we have someone interested in the quad room at Scandic for Friday 22. We need 1 or 2 more on Thursday 21 and 1 or 2 more on Friday 22 to make it worth it. It would work out as £30.50 per person per night if we get 1 more person or £22.95 per person per night if we get 2 more people.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Yes I'm aware and you'll be surprised how many people are arriving early. I wanted to go on 22 but plane too expensive.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Like I said, the title of the other thread isn't very clear, people might just think its a general thread for lifts and move past it if its no interest to them, but the fact we put the request in the title of this one lets people know more. If its such a problem for people then I could always edit the other thread.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Yes but the other thread kinda turned into a general "if anyone needs lifts advertise or ask here" so a new one has been worded so that its just us that needs the lift.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

I originally booked a quad room for these dates at Scandic but plans changed when two friends could no longer make it to ESA. We have now booked a double instead but I have kept the reservation of the quad room in case anyone is still in need of a room? We have one person interested in both nights, and a possible second interested on the first night. So we need one or two more.

Prices is 1020SEK a night which works out at 260SEK / £24 / €28 per person per night if 4 are sharing which is super cheap! This includes wifi and breakfast. I also have the quad room reserved on Sunday 31 as we originally wanted a decent night sleep before travelling on Monday 1 but we no longer want it so if anyone else does, let me know!

If no one shows interest by Friday 15 then I'll email the hotel to cancel the quad. You can contact me on here, Twitter (@EmmyytheKitty) or Discord (Kitty#8506) :)

Trazmatix 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Aww that's a shame, well I don't think it matters now as we have another person coming with us I think so I doubt you could take 4 of us :P We'll probably just go by train unless someone else can offer us a lift/has room :P

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Right we have at least one person interested in the quad room for Thursday 21 and Friday 22, possibly two but not confirmed yet. Are there one or two more people who would like to join them and share the quad room? It'll work out really cheap if you do - 260SEK / £24 / €28 per person per night if 4 are sharing! You can contact me on here, on Twitter (@EmmyytheKitty) or on Discord (Kitty#8506) :)

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Aww, its not exactly a detour though since its ages to the South haha, but its kind that you'd consider doing that :3 Yeah it's a bit late but I could look into our options to see if we could fit it with you. No chance you could go sooner? ;P

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Aww, no where near Copenhagen :( I wish we were going to Gothenburg instead as there's a coach there too.

알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

I totally forgot that Zoton2 is travelling with us lmao, I feel so stupid for forgetting. So yeah, we actually need someone to give 3 of us a lift if possible. It would be so awesome if there's someone who can help us! <3

MizterConfuzing 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

I highly doubt he will, I'm surprised he did one at all :P but I'll mention it to him

MizterConfuzing 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Hopefully. We'll probably just end up getting the train which I think we'd both prefer but I don't really want to pay £55 each for it. I guess I'm too set on the fact we only paid £20 in 2014 which everyone says was super rare and lucky for me to get as £40-£60 is the most average price. We need to go over what money we have left as we still need to book coach from ours to Gatwick, pay for 2 nights hotel when we arrive and then buy whatever food etc while there. Plus pay rent this month before we go which isn't gonna happen, we'll probably only be able to pay 1/3 of it or something at the moment but we'll see. I'm looking forward to meeting you too, as nervous as I am haha.

MizterConfuzing 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Yeah, no :P It looks way too expensive.. I wouldn't really pay for 1 night let alone 2 :P

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