Seattle, WA, USAKieferSkunk3 years ago

Hey all. I'm new here. Just got a quick question about the reset glitch when done on the Switch Online version.

I'm able to do the glitch successfully, but when I save and restart the game, then collect a missile pack, my missile count is actually reset to 0 - the first pack brings my capacity to 5, rather than adding to the total I had when I saved. All the powerups, super missiles and power bombs are the way they were, but missiles have actually reset.

I did this glitch a long time ago on an emulator, and I seem to remember (it's been a while, might be wrong) that I could keep accumulating missiles beyond the max you can get by playing normally, just as you can with energy tanks, super missiles, etc. Am I just misremembering this?

Here's what I did in both the old emulator and the Switch:

  • After defeating Ridley, I had all the powerups.
  • Return to original escape tunnel in Crateria, and enter the room to the right just above the bottom blue door.
  • Go in to the inner large room, then face left and open the door.
  • Go into the Samus menu, unequip Wave Beam, equip Spazer, then perform the Hi-Jump glitch to turn both Spazer and Plasma on ("VAR" appears).
  • Return to game and fire once. Top of screen fills with "one" tiles and game slows to a crawl.
  • Exit the room, then equip Wave Beam and Plasma (Spazer off).
  • Get to the nearest save point, save, and reset.
  • Load the save and go through intro and Ceres, then start again on Zebes.

I know that due to the Mother Brain sequence in the intro, Samus has the missiles "turned off". My understanding was that that's just a flag to hide them, and they reappear as soon as you pick up a missile pack. In my case, though, picking up a pack starts the count over - I now have a max capacity of 5, not 145 like I was expecting (in this save).

Sorry for the long-winded post. Thanks if you can provide some insight or refresh my memory. :)

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3 years ago
3 years ago