France0_yami_06 years ago

Don't worry, I will not speedrun the game again, this is for a chalenge run.

France0_yami_06 years ago

Finally found the pattern, it works everytime, and I can now confirmed, the minecart skip works on dolphin for the emulated Wii.

France0_yami_06 years ago

In my case, I'm using a PS3 controller with DS3tool in order to emulate the X360 controller, and works fine. The thing you are describing is like the distance can move your stick is too short to regognize running, nor more idea, sorry.

TheStunningParallel 이것을 좋아함
France0_yami_06 years ago

Good to hear, all video I wached was in poor quality or not enough explained, and as you said, the tuto from SR.com is down, it would be great if someone redo a tuto video for this skip. by waiting I will watch some of speedrun using 30 fps, thanks for your information.

Democritus3 이것을 좋아함
France0_yami_06 years ago

Hi, Is it possible to do the minecart skip on the Wii version, more precisely, on the emulated wii version on Dolphin ?

France0_yami_06 years ago

Hi, Please, can someone tell me where I can find the taiwanese version ?

France0_yami_06 years ago

The time showed on the leaderboard is the average capture, this is the time displayed at the end of a game.

스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

Doesn't matter who told me that, this is not important, the important thing is the fact I expected, this gonna be confusing to determine if the runner use a turbo or not.

스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

I tested yesterday by using my keyboard, and someone tell me "WTF you use a turbo !!" I reply "nop, it's just a keyboard, because now it is authorized". So, using my keyboard is, as expected, confusing if we are not using a real turbo. a rule is a rule...

스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

Again we are desagree with Maxylobes about using the keyboard on the PC version, more precisely, to use more than one controller during a run (even if it's not at the same moment, just switching it). For me use extra controller, should be rejected, this is not faire, and really you can do what do you want, noone could verify. I think you know already the Maxylobes's opinion.

Just if we accept this, I will use this and you will be surprise by what I can do with just one extra keyboard. Nothing will make sense after that...


Mr_Snawk 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

Thanks Zetta for your answer, we will not remove the easy category, I just would to know what was your and Crisco real reason you run this dificulty.

Zetta 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

I will ask the opinion of anyone interested by this speedgame, but more particulary to all the runners (even old DMD runners).

I already removed some useless categories (OF, low% and any% (segemented)), not enough interest or run moved.

Very important for easy-auto runners (Zetta or CriscoWild please answer me), my opinion about easy dificulty in any game is, that should not exist, but I can understand, you run on this dificulty because this is the fastest mode, but not at all for DMC, if I just compare normal and easy time, so unless you think you can beat the normal time, I just want to remove this dificulty of the leaderboard beacause I don't understand the interest to run an easier and slower dificulty.

Next is about the main category, now it's the completion, but in 100% there is only two runs, I think it would be better if it's the difficulty (17 runs on normal, 9 runs on DMD) this is more equitable.

First sub-categorie would be the completion. And as a second sub-categorie, we can either put the costume (Dante, LDK or Super Dante) either put the version (SD console, HD console or PC) either no second sub-category (only as variable).

We will see later for miscellaneous category.

Last thing, about the Maxylobes's last change, make visible the RTA, because the game has a reliable IGT, I don't understand why we need to show the RTA, when I run, during an intermission, i will not hurry me, because the timer is programaticaly stoped.

That's all for now, waiting for yours answers, and thanks for reading.

Mr_Snawk 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

I finally just test the Dante Must Die dificulty, and sadly, there is a big diference, we can't do the large skip during the mission 17, so this is about 1m30 slower than PSN version, because the steam version is slightly faster in normal, this is maybe equal to the PSN ver. in DMD, I need to test some runs.

Thanks Capcom...

maxylobes 그리고 xenkaroshi 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

Here is the main difference with the steam version, all loading time count (between two rooms, opening inventory), like the PS2 version, but, if you are using a very fast SSD (M.2 NVME), loadings are inexistant or almost. I think this version is faster than the PSN version, but not a lot, maybe 30 sec (1 or 2 for each mission). Maybe later if Capcom want to unlock the framerate up to 120 it will be very faster.

maxylobes 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

Thanks for your answer Rasha, We will not re-time all runs because any version use a different in-game timer (loading counts in PS2, not at all on HD for example), so we would adapt this for each version, and IGT is more precise, anyway, that's not the question.

I think we will be forced to apply this rule, so any run using farming will be rejected, just for now accept the Snawk's run in segmented, and after the new release we will create new categories (depending of version, dificulty or completion) with an explicit rule about orb farming. As you said, it would be stupid to add subcategory because there is not enough runners, I'm already sad to see noone interested by low% or 100%.

About rule, if you see the Iraven's run (DMD 1:00:28), during the first mundus phase, I want to believe he was using a turbo controler, I don't remember for other runs, this is maybe because of PAL version, someone can check it.

maxylobes 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

As expected, we have a lot opinions, sorry, I'm just desapointed to see this great game and only three guys talking about rules, categories etc...

So, I understand you Maxy, and it's legitimate to desagree orb farming, but I just want to say you, why did you wait the Snawk's run to say that, I use this strat for a long time, I even already told you (but I thought there was Phantom too in normal mode) if you are late in orbs, you can kill Pantom between mission 7-8 in lion's room, never you answered me, this strat should be baned, or something like that.

Because no rule exists about farming, I want to accept the Snawk's run, and you can also accept it, because with the new release, you will get a better time easily, and even now, I know Maxy you can beat, with yours actual strats, Snawk's run. Or in worst case, if you totaly desagree (because don't want to lose WR, even for a short time) just set his run as a multi segmented. In any case add orbs-farming category would be ridiculous enough, if someone see and want to run this category, he will just farm 1 Million orbs and buy everything, so the run become a NG+.

About me and my runs, I will no longer run this version, so you can do what do you want, I have the best time in DMD but Kurozatou is better than me with or without orb farming, soon I will run the new release and I will apply this rule (Exept in 100%), also, before running the game, I will develop at least an LiveSplit Auto split with in-game time mission by mission and some other tools, like I did for Resident Evil 0 HD (no cheating, don't worry).

1TLAU, Mr_Snawk, 그리고 maxylobes 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

Actualy, there is also another problem with categories, I explain me, if I take my runs, i'm alone to run this categorie (DMD LDK), because I'm running on PS3 with the PSN version, and every version use a different timing methode, (PS2 => loading time counts, HD => doesn't counts...), I think with the soon release it could be differrent (60 or 120 fps for example...), so I think we will have to split in more categories (like RE4 for example).

About farming, if you see the 100% DMD, runners are using the intermission to do some secret mission, or simplier during intermission 13 -14, I get back in the ship to get the untouchable, the limit of this restriction will be hard to define.

maxylobes 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Devil May Cry
France0_yami_06 years ago

Okay, because the Mr_Snawk 's last run has been rejected, the huge comunity around DMC have to talk about the farming during phases where the in-game timer is volontary by developers stoped.

My opinion First, reject the farming, means, for almost all my DMD runs that they should be rejected (to remind you, I kill Phantom up to ten times between mission 7 - 8 in order to retrieve the amount lost (SB Failed ...) during previous missions), because this is in DMD, even with all upgrade, the run is still very hard.

Second, for me, any thing you can do in the game without using additional hardware or software, like turbo controler or cheat, is expected by the devlopers, if they choosed to stop the timer, this is to complete some secret mission without impacting the mission rank.

Third, yes this is certainly boring to farm or seeing someone farming, but I'm sure, for other speedgame there is a farming session.

I see for now four differents solution about farming : Authorize, reject, create sub category or authorize with the Real-Timer.

Waiting for yours answers.

Jisti_007 그리고 Mr_Snawk 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Resident Evil 2
France0_yami_06 years ago

Hey everyone, I finally start the tutorial of "How to speedrun Resident Evil 0", this is the first part (up to mid train), I did it in english and in french too, here are the links:

If you like it, please share the video, and let me know if you are interested by the next.

PS: I know this is not the good game, I put the post to make more visible the tutorial.

France0_yami_06 years ago

Hey everyone, I finally start the tutorial of "How to speedrun Resident Evil 0", this is the first part (up to mid train), I did it in english and in french too, here are the links:

If you like it, please share the video, and let me know if you are interested by the next.

RapixOnGaming, NuZ 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
0_yami_0에 대해서
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