Setting up the autosplitter
Setting up the autosplitter
업데이트됨 2 years ago 작성자 darkid
  1. Download LiveSplit
    • Run LiveSplit as Administrator
    • Warning: You cannot run this if LiveSplit is being opened out of a zip file. Extract LiveSplit to a folder before running it!
  2. Edit Splits, set your game to 'The Witness'.
  3. Click 'Activate'
  4. Click 'Settings'
  5. If you want to split on every panel, enable the 'Split on all panels (solving and non-solving)' setting
  6. If you want to split only on specific puzzles, you need to create a config file
  7. Restart LiveSplit.
  8. Select your configuration file in the settings pane of the autosplitter.
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