Strategy Guide
Strategy Guide
업데이트됨 2 years ago 작성자 irwazr

Introduction: This game has a good balance of strategy, RNG, skill and the need for persistence. The following is a general guide to beating the game.

Game Mechanics: It's not currently known what the EXACT conditions are to trigger the appearance of the King, however there are some general patterns visible as you play through many a speedrun attempt.

  • You have to win "enough" drag races.
  • You have to win "enough" road races.
  • It's extremely unlikely for the King to make an appearance before you're ready, but even when you're ready to race he's still quite rare.
  • Keeping your car tuned costs you nothing and can make a difference to race outcomes.
  • Aged car parts bring down your max speed. Rebuilding with new parts is required periodically.

General Strategy: The King drives a Corvette, and it's almost entirely maxed out on upgrades. I say "almost" because it is possible to beat him with a fully upgraded Corvette of my own. However beating the King with his own car will actually be quite tough, and is not recommended. If you look at the available engine sizes in the newspaper, Ford is the only manufacturer with a 351 cubic inch V8 block. So it should be no surprise then that the fastest car in the game will be a Ford. This means your goal is to own a Ford with everything fully upgraded, bringing the top speed of the car to 130mph.

Getting there is where it becomes more fluid. You have very few options for your first car, due to the starting cash budget. So your first goal is to win another car through a Road Race via pink slips. Any car will do, but obviously winning an expensive car helps. On a good run you'll come away with any old car, on a better run you'll get something worth a fair bit more than your starting car... on a bad run you'll find yourself losing and quiting to dosbox to start over again and again. The pain is real. Stick with it though, this first hurdle is almost the hardest of the whole game.

Once you get your first win under your belt, you want to make a quick judgement call... can you afford your dream King-crushing Ford? If not, don't fret, most likely you'll be able to afford a much needed upgrade to one of your cars. Don't stress about brands, just get yourself the best setup you can. As a general rule, keep the newer car if it came with a V8 of any size. If not, then sell the most expensive car and buy a V8, racing manifold and 2 racing carbs for your remaining car. If you have money left over, get racing slicks. You can buy a racing transmission if you want, but hopefully you already have a car good enough to win something even more expensive now.

Try to win another car on a Road Race. You can check under the hoods of cars if you want, but you can also throw caution to the wind and take on whoever shows up (hey, it works for me). Once you've won your 3rd car, you will hopefully have enough to buy a decent Ford and upgrade it to full racing spec. In case you're new to the game, full racing spec is a 351 cubic inch V8 with racing manifold and racing carbs, racing transmission, racing slicks, stripped bumpers and a chopped roof. You'll now be ready to win cars left, right and center. Keep any of the Fords, sell everything else and use the funds to periodically rebuild your T-Bird back to 100% full racing spec. Keep those Fords in case you wreck your best car, because otherwise you could find yourself quitting to Dosbox and starting over again.

By this point of the game you're ready to face off with the King... but is he ready? This is where it gets tricky. Do you reject everyone that appears, hoping the King is the next car? Or do you keep winning races, in the hopes that it makes the King more likely to appear. The truth is it's not clear what makes him appear any more than it being a case being at the mercy of the game's RNG. Wait it out and you'll eventually be rewarded with an appearance from the King. If you've won enough races, he'll take you on for a drag race (which you'll likely only just barely win), followed by a pink slips road race to take out the final victory and beat the game. If your car has run a few races since your last rebuild, you won't win the drag race. It's all on the line too, because failing to beat the King appears to set back your reputation with the King significantly, meaning you'll be waiting quite a bit of time to have another swipe at beating him.

Happy racing.

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