저장하기: Pre boss saves for GoG
Pre boss saves for GoG
업데이트됨 1 year ago 작성자 LePlopeur

As for the steam version of the game here are some save for the GoG version of the game. When unzipped, rename the file to remove (x-x-x) and place the .SAVE file into the game folder and replace it (don't forget to copy your own savefile if you want). All saves are 1 room away before the boss excepet for steelmaggot, you have to head to the boss but all the door have been opened already so head right, down through the first door on you left then straight left and you're at the boss. except for the first 2 bosses, you'll have extra items for the fights. I ran the game like a 100% so from boss 3 and till the end you'll have 5 hearts and I did collect and bought everything before pirate master

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