Check points and Levels
Check points and Levels
업데이트됨 9 years ago 작성자 OnyChaos

Starpost / checkpoints

20-39 rings: 10 Rings 40-59 rings: Shield 60-79 rings: Speed Shoes 80-99 rings: Invincibility 100+ rings: 1-UP = 40 Rings

"As you complete levels, you will gain Experience points based on your score. For every 1000 points you will gain a level, increasing your top speed, acceleration, and braking ability."

At level 1. You speed is the base speed you would get in sonic 2

At level 20 Your will have speed of two super shoes. allowing you to almost off screen the camera.

Level 40 is the right speed for speed running but by then you would be half way done.

Level 50 (WARNING) At level 50 Your character speed with become harder to control. More speed for less control.

Level 60 -70 - 80 At this point you are going too fast by just holding right or left. Platforming is much harder since you have a chance of clipping through things.

Level 99 Max top speed, acceleration. You can out run the camera. fall through the level cause loops to stop working or block you. Platforming is 10 x harder since you are going at high speeds.

"The current player selection, level, mission, and experience points are saved to SRAM when the score tally finishes. Hold A+B+C after the SEGA screen to clear the SRAM."

"Bonus Levels: On the Sound test in the Options menu, play sounds 20 09 04 13. You will immediately be taken to Hidden Palace Zone Act 1.

Instant Level 99: On the Sound test in the Options menu, play sounds 20 08 03 10. You will hear the 1up sound play, and your level will be set to 99 for the current game session only."

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