My thoughts on the knife.
5 years ago
Glamorganshire, Wales

So after reading some forum posts by many different people askimg for many different things. Some outlining tests and so on and so fourth.

This if you do not be careful will end up being like Resident Evil 7. People will come get one run on NG+ and leave. Seriously. We need to be so so careful with this because this will die. So so quickly. Resident Evil Speedruns game and went fast so so fast.

So as a person who loves Resident Evil 2 Remake I beg any who read this to listen carefully... Please.

So Cap the game at a max of 120. In 2019 people should have good enough PCs to find a way to optimise to 120 fps. As someone who plays consoles. Capping PCs at 60fps wouls be an insult to this game to the PC speedrunning community. If you cap it at 60 what is the point of speedrunning on PC. The point of a speedrun isn't to pander to people its about going fast and technical limitations of a goddamn small ammount of people who won't even try to 120fps is stupid. Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Now yes I know I am not some big shot speedrunner with a powerful PC. Im a console peasant simple as that and even I can see that this is so so stupid.

If you Cap it as 60fps not only do you go against the very basics of Speedrunning aka going fast. You invalidate somewhere over 100. 200 maybe even 300 hours of hard work put into these sub hour runs.

So don't kill this game before its even had a chance because some one off runners dont want to play at a slightly worse quality becaus they are lazy.

James Llewellyn. Console Pleb. Signing Out.

P.S. Cap it at 120 be smart about this and DO NOT PANDER to a small percentage of the community.

Arizona, USA

I can agree that setting fps at 60 is a bit low for pc, perhaps something needs to be changed with the categories. But capping at 120 fps requires a 3rd party source iirc. So idk honestly, but yes after thinking about it more I now see 60 fps being low.

Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Alberta, Canada

The runs already done are irrelevant. The boards aren't even open yet. Doing runs before the boards are even open, and rules established, is just the risk people took. There is no reason they should expect those runs to be valid. And the practice isn't just trash. Just do it again, within the rules.

I'm not opposed to upping the limit from 60fps, but the runs already worked on should not be a factor. At all. And no cap to something that requires external program. Cap it at 144, or 60. Something the game can easily have set on it's own.

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago
Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함

The game only has caps to 30 and 60 (+ varying). Capping at 120/144 requires a 3rd party source and tbh 60 FPS already too strong for the game (seriously, the knife at 60 already kicks ass). Just look at ALTTP speedrunning. A lot of people do glitchful and nmg but a lot of people now prefer nmg because glitchful is just broken and RE2R with OOB and other stuff is going to make this game and ALTTP (category wise) really similar. If you want the broken knife and go fast, just do a glitchful category.

NuZ 그리고 Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Castilla y León, Spain

I'm with you on this one, poor people shouldn't be allowed to speedrun RE2, hell they shouldn't even be able to play video games at all ! Also, that's what the (((gaming community))) needs : a barrier of entry based on the money you've spent to build your PC. I know that's pretty much consensual at this point but a barrier of entry based on skills was a bad idea from the get go, I don't know whose idea it was but this guy must have been high on something special like equal opportunity or something nefarious like that.

Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Glamorganshire, Wales

I think they should do the catagories (and I wasnt saying that the current speedruns are valid i meant more the routing and practise making any ammount of effort invalid to me is wrong its the way I think but i see what your saying and I respect that) But i am talking solely from the perspective of an outsider so I will get things wrong. Im just trying to say that the cap at 60 is stupid really or wait no. What I wanna say is that I hope that they dont mess with the categories I dont wanna see it become what RE7 is thats all. And I think there should be a 120fps glitchless. Because uncapped framrate isnt a glitch so to shove it in there isnt fair.

Im open to suggestions on what im saying is wrong or right and your opinions too


Reposting because 2 knife posts for no reason:

It isn't about getting the FPS, is about unbreaking the already op af knife. The knife at 120 FPS is too broken for this game, even on hardcore. The game at 60FPS feels a lot better because you simply can't knife bosses to death, but at 120FPS you just stunlock everything to death.

NuZ 그리고 Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Glamorganshire, Wales

SLr you are taking what I said wayyyyy out of proportion but it did come off like that I am sorry. I'm just trying to say that I dont want a repeat of RE7 where the game kinda died pretty quickly. I just wamma avoid that. Didnt mean to come off all like that sorry again.

Arizona, USA

But it's not about nerfing the knife at all, it's about setting a fair middleground people can do runs at instead of having the leaderboard decided by whomever can get the most framerate

NuZ, TrichaelMan 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Phoenix, AZ, USA

btw the rout for the current runs still works on 60 fps so the hours went in are not wasted so yea

Danger_Sense 그리고 mackmcd 이것을 좋아함
Castilla y León, Spain

Also "Cap it at 120 be smart about this and DO NOT PANDER to a small percentage of the community." Well, if you ban "less than 120fps" I don't see how there would be a "small percentage of the community" as you've outright banned them...

So basically, what you're saying is : we won't pander to people we have forbidden to play. What makes you think the "less than 120fps" is the minority ? Because you can do 120fps therefore you're the majority ?

Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Alberta, Canada

Yeah it's not about how broken the knife is. If it killed bosses super fast on any framerate, this wouldn't even be a discussion. provided it killed the bosses the same SPEED. It's about consistency.

Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Glamorganshire, Wales

I see. Ima step back for a little bit. I know the knife is OP I understand that. Im not saying its not. But not every boss kill uses the knife and what not blah blah blah I am not helping myself here.

I just want a fair play for people who play 60fps and 120fps. I kinda it's hard to explain without digging myself a bigger hole so I'll stop now as the way Ive put my opinion across has come out wrong and thats my own fault.

In total i just want 120fps as a glitchless category so that the current sub hour route isnt 100% ditched. Thats pretty much the baseline of it thank you for your time.

Alberta, Canada

Nothing is 100% ditched. That's an overreaction. Nothing is even 5% ditched. Bosses are what, 5% of the total run? Literally nothing is lost that's been gained so far, except maybe longer boss fights, regardless of what's decided. The route is identical, otherwise.

Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Castilla y León, Spain

That's okay, but just try to bear this in mind : Do you want people included or excluded ?

Do you have an idea of the amount of games you'd need to spend a crazy amount of money just to be able to submit a run ?! I think MGS on PS1 doesn't even have a PS1 category ! Some games requires special versions which require a modded or imported console. Add to that the requirement of having a capture card, a software to time your run (that I wouldn't even know how to operate) and now a powerful PC...

At the end, what's left ? People with crazy amount of money, the rest can just watch from the outside. That's how we should operate things among gamers ? There are already enough barriers of entry, no need to artificially add some.

What's next ? You need to give $500 to the mods so you can submit a run ?!

NuZ 그리고 Danger_Sense 이것을 좋아함
Glamorganshire, Wales

Yeah now I see how ridculous what Im saying is.

I didnt realise that in retrospect how stupid it is XD.

Tbh im just an outsider hell I dont even have a PC so I have no way of understanding fully on what you need and dont need for this kind of thing. Thanks for actually you know showing how stupid I am XD. Tbh how I passed my GCSEs are a miracle XD

Thanks for your input guys I really do appriciate it good and bad.

Waifu 이것을 좋아함
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