World 1 guide (mobile)
World 1 guide (mobile)
업데이트됨 2 years ago 작성자 Cazra

This is one in a series of level-by-level guides for speedrunning each of the worlds in the mobile version of PUSS!. In this guide, I will go over speedrunning strats for all the levels appearing in World 1. For a level-by-level guide for the PC versions of these levels, see Niftybumpkin's guide.

Since the levels don't really have any official names, I try to provide short names and a short description of the aesthetics of each level in an effort to identify them.

I also give each level a 1-5 star rating for difficulty and speed. For difficulty, 1 star is easiest and 5 stars is hardest. For speed, 5 stars is fastest. If you get a 1-star level, you should reset your run or try to use death abuse to summon Ghost Cat to help you exit the level early. For each level, I also specify whether Ghost Cat appears in the level. A ✰ next to Ghost Cat means that you should always use him if you have enough lives to pay his fee.

Alien Crossing

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no Two aliens patrol around this level with a glitchy center and stretching bridges.

The top and right static floors can be traversed over. Once you're on the central platform, just fly over the static and slide into the exit.

Alien Hall 1

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

A zigzagging hall with stationary aliens.

Move swiftly but carefully until before the last U-turn to the exit. Then slide to the end.

Alien Hall 2

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

Like Alien Hall 1, but near the exit, the level turns red and the aliens start marching.

March in file with the aliens until you can slide to the exit.

Autoscroller Portrait

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰ Ghost Cat: no

A gigantic frame moves left to right, enclosing a gauntlet of hazards.

This level is terribly slow and Ghost Cat does not appear in it. Reset if you get this one.

Baphomet Senpai

Difficulty: ✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

Platforms move clockwise around a glitching goat head with anime eyes and a floating gem.

Slide to the exit as soon as you get off your moving platform.


Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

A complex zigzagging path with some narrow corridors. A gigantic moon displays the text "Beautiful".

It is possible, but very risky to superslide through the whole level. It is adviced to get to the last third of the level before sliding to the exit.

Beginner's Bridge

Difficulty: ✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

Two moving platforms form a bridge across the level.

As soon as both platforms are aligned with each other, superslide to the exit. On a good cycle, you can do this immediately.

Bouncy Tiger

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

A tiger hops up and down on the right side of the screen while bullets shoot from the right wall.

Ultra-slide immediately to the exit. You won't even have to deal with any of the bullets as long as you act fast enough. Be careful not to accidentally clip past the exit.


Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

A cheese-colored level with Jesus and a fish (the fish doesn't appear in the mobile or console versions).

As soon as you get to the point where you can cross over to the other side, squeeze through one of the platforms further up ahead to do so and board one of the platform closest to the exit.

Church Radio

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

This level contains a bunch of expanding and contracting squares as obstacles. Two switches must be pressed to reach the exit. The soundtrack sounds like electric church organs playing over an old radio.

DJ Cat

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

Soundwave-shaped bullets fire from the right side of the screen to the left. A 3D cat shakes its head along the bottom of the screen.

Slide to the exit as soon as no bullets are in your way. The hitboxes for the soundwave bullets are slightly smaller than they appear, so it is possible to squeeze around them if you need to.

Dolphin Party

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

Palm trees, a dolphin, and vaporwave.

No special strats. Just move fast!

Donald Duck ER

Difficulty: ✰✰✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

A switch at the beginning starts forming a path to the exit while bullets pour out of a large portal on the right resembling an infamous Internet shock image. On the left, two cherubs hold Jesus up, with one of them saying "Oh no!" when the portal opens. The BGM for this level sounds like Donald Duck aggressively performing ✰ahem✰ surgery on somebody.

Try to keep as close to the end of the path as possible as it expands. In the middle path, it is possible to slide underneath an incoming bullet if you need to. If you can't follow it all the way to the end, slide the rest of the way as soon as bullets aren't in the way.

Eye Contact

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰ Ghost Cat: no

Two cat heads shoot a continuous laser into each other's eyes, with a timer-activated bridge across the middle.

This is a very slow level that heavily depends on the cycles of the moving platforms. Just reset if you get this one.

Fish Diamonds

Difficulty: ✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

Huge diamonds with fish scrolling fish patterns move across a zigzagging hall.

Slide to the exit as soon as the diamonds aren't blocking the way.

Fortune Teller

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

A giant hand hovers in the center with the letters W O N. A cannon on the hand projects a searchlight and begins firing at PUSS if it sees him.

If you time it right, you can superslide past the disappearing blocks to the exit. You can reliable slide to the exit after the last U-turn, relying on i-frames to brute-force your way past the blocks.


Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

A level resembling the classic arcade game "Frogger".

No special strats. Just try to cross the logs quickly.

Gore Lite

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

Stomping cat feet shoot lasers upward.

Attempt to superslide immediately when the level starts. If you hit a laser, there is a high chance of Ghost Cat appearing. In that case, just take his offer to exit the level.


Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

A zigzagging path like a backwards "S" with a panther saying "hei".

Just superslide to the end.


Difficulty: ✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

A counter-spiral path with a spinning cat head in the middle.

Just superslide to the end.

Lamb's Bridge

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

A moving bridge spans the two halves of this level with goat heads poking out of oval mirrors on either side. The text "LAMB" appears above the level in the PC version. Petals fall to the right side and there is a Mary statue to the left.

Board the second leftmost section of the bridge and ride it down until the leftmost section lines up with the path toward the exit. Then slide to the end. You don't even need to go to the right side of this level.

Last Supper

Difficulty: ✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

A simple zigzagging path with biblical imagery of the Last Supper. A cat head sticks out of the end of the path.

Just superslide to the end.

Les Tortures

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

This level in a long picture frame has the label "Les Tortures" with a bunch of 3D cats moving around inside a hole below the frame.

Superslide immediately to the end. The way the bottom section of the level moves is tricky, so it may take a couple tries.

L vel

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

A long, zigzagging cyan corridor on a plain black background, resembling an old, infamous jumpscare flash game.

It is possible, but very difficult to superslide this level. You can safely slide to the exit at the final spiral.

Magic Carpets

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

Tigers riding moving platforms serve as both obstacles and as protection from bullets cascading from the top and bottom of the screen.

Try not to get blocked off my the tigers. If they block you off at the start of the level, death-abuse to advance their frames so that you're unblocked. If a bullet is blocking a corridor, you can barely squeeze around them if you briefly slide against the walls.

Mary's Discount

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

Mary stands over a tiger with the text "-50%" while it rains chicken nuggets. Each quadrant expands and shrinks from alternating corners. Text on the right side reads "FACE IT, TIGER...".

On odd cycles with the expanding quadrants, it's still possible, but risky to try to slip through to the next bridge. After you hit the switch, try to immediately go through the last bridge to the other side while it's still appearing.

Mary's Pool Party

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

Moving platforms form a shifting bridge over an area of water.

You can pretty much fly over any area of water on this level, so you don't have to wait for platform cycles. Superslide to the end immediately.

Mirror Maze

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ A green, scrolling maze that is mirrored vertically halfway. Ghost Cat: no

To an extent, it is possible to go out of bounds along the top or bottom to get through a path in the maze early. This requires some memorization of the maze's paths.

More Beautiful

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

Like beautiful, except instead of a moon, there is a sun that rains bullets. The corridors also shift slightly.

Slide to the exit as soon as you can do so without running into bullets. It is possible to superslide this level, if you're feeling brave. It's much easier to superslide this level at the very start of the level, before there are bullets raining down the level.


Difficulty: ✰✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes✰

A multi-hued path between two giant 3D hands, with moving block obstacles. In the soundtrack, there is some whimpering and a voice that says "Who am I? I'm just a nobody."

Move optimally past the obstacles' cycles and slide to the end as soon as it is clear. In the part where a block is fired out of a wall and goes around a loop, it is easy to skip past the first corner straight to the checkpoint.

Nuclear War Flower

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

A cat sits on a rotating cube on the left side of a guantlet of block obstacles. Another cat sits on the right side watching a second rotating cube. This level is named after the title of its BGM.

Slide to the exit at the last section of the gauntlet with the walls jutting out. With good movement, this whole level is very fast.

Opera Void

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

Bridges form across the middle when the level sings.

Move quickly to make optimal use of the singing cycles to activate the switches. Slide to the exit as soon as the final passage is open.


Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

A giant cat looms over the right side of this level. The horizontal corridors squeeze shut on an interval. The shape of this level kind of resembles a paperclip.

Slide to the end as soon as none of the corridors are squeezed shut. At the right cycle, it is possible, but risky to superslide the level.


Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

Bullets come from the top, right, and bottom sides of the area. On the left, an upper hand drops blood into two hands below. The soundtrack for this level says "Can you predict the future? Do you know what will happen in 100 years?"

Slide to the exit as soon as no bullets are in your way. Alternatively, slam into a bullet as soon as the level starts to clear out all the bullets. Then superslide to the exit.

Raining Cats

Difficulty: ✰✰✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes... but actually no.

Teleporting blocks arranged in a diamond shape block the maze at certain points. Cats rain from a hole in the ceiling in the right side of the level. Because there are very tight corridors and there's no checkpoint (unlike the PC version of this level), this level is very difficult on mobile.

Ultra-slide to the exit as soon as no blocks are in the way.

Ghost Cat shows up in this level, but upside-down, and in the background where he is unreachable.


Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

Wavy corridors with 3 statues of spinning cats moving from left to right in the east-most corridor. A derpy cat on the left slowly becomes more and more distorted.

Slide to the end once you get past the moving statues.

Sauron's Avocado

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

The left side of the screen has a sliced open avocado and the right side has a jittery eyeball resembling the Eye of Sauron. Moving platforms provide passage from one quadrant of the level to another.

The moving platforms are wide enough that you can quickly cross them to the other side when they're at their half way points. Then in the final quadrant, slide the rest of the way to the exit. (The PC version of this level is much slower!)

Scanner Portrait

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

The level takes place in a picture frame with a horizontal laser travelling upwards with a gap in the middle. A 3-headed cat is on the right side of the frame.

Slide to the exit as soon as the rest of the path is clear of the laser. It is possible to even ultra-slide the whole level.


Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

Rafts provide passage across watery gaps, with a gauntlet of moving blocks.

You can just fly over all the water. After you get past the moving blocks, just fly across and slide to the exit.

Something Beautiful

Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

A level contained in a picture frame with the text "Something Beautiful".

No special strats. You can squeeze through the last part as long as it is at least a couple pixels wide.

No special strats.

Spinning Cat

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ or ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes

A green-tinted level with a spinning cat head in the center that shoots bullets from its eyes.

Half-way through the level (after the block you can hide behind to avoid bullets), you can slide to the exit once the path is safe from bullets. If you're feeling ballsy, you can attempt to superslide through the whole level.

Static Hell

Difficulty: ✰✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: yes✰

Corridors of bridges, blocks, and crushing walls, all on cycles. The final part has a timer button that opens the path to the exit. This level is brown on the PC version and purple on mobile and console.

Once you get to the save point, wait for a gap in the moving blocks and crushing wall so you can move past the upper-left corner of the moving blocks area and the wall at the same time. Once you've sat on the timer long enough to barely open the path to the exit, slide to the end.

Just use Ghost Cat to skip this level.


Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰ Ghost Cat: yes✰

Teeth slowly open and close in the background. The corridors of this level slowly shift to align with other corridors.

This is easily the slowest level to get through in World 1. If you get this level, just reset your run.

Tiger Lounge

Difficulty: ✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: ?

A short spiraling hall with a 3D tiger rotating around alternating axes in the center of the spiral. Cocktail drinks are arranged ontop of the level's path.

Just superslide immediately to the end.


Difficulty: ✰✰ Speed: ✰✰✰✰ Ghost Cat: no

All the walls are shaking. In the upper-right quadrant there is a framed painting that moves around.

Do not attempt to slide on the shaking walls. They will kill you. Once you're at the bottom, just zip straight to the exit, keep yourself as vertically straight as possible.


In the cave leading up to Cerberus's platform, just move as quickly to each rising square as possible until you can get to the boss's platform. Be careful not to slide past the dialog trigger.

You should have at least 15 lives going into Cerberus. During the boss fight, focus on collecting the POWs as quickly as possible. Tank Cerberus's eye lasers and acid if you need to. If you mash quickly enough while your POW gauge is filled, you can defeat Cerberus in two cycles.

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