category suggestion for sage 2019 demo
8 months ago
United States

200% - starts from a new file, 100% rules. when snick is unlocked, you have to replay all levels with s-rank again.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Demos Leaderboard reopenning

Well folks- it was about time, huh?

Now that we've gotten a footing on the pace of managing all this stuff, we're reopening the demos leaderboard for anybody interested. Furthermore, runs using Snick the Porcupine will now be accepted, unlike before!

We're currently looking into a way to transfer

1 year ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 8 months ago
0 개의 답글
게시 일자 8 months ago
0 개의 답글
게시 일자 8 months ago
1 개의 답글