New to the game, few questions
6 years ago
Alabama, USA

Hey y'all,

I've been practicing this run for a few weeks, just trying to get good. But I'm uncertain on some details in the rules for this game. I'm hoping you can clear them up:

  1. Is the settings option "skip loading pause 'press any key'" allowed? It's in the settings menu, and available to anyone, so I don't see why it wouldn't be. But I know it's also technically under the subset "debug," which may seem like cheating to some people. I dunno, just wondering what the ruling is.

  2. Do we always play on the newest patch? I know Lugaru seems to have two categories for version differences, but Overgrowth just has the one. If we don't, which version do we play on?

  3. What's the deal with loading? Do you have any tips at reducing load times? I know I read that someone was making a load-remover, but, without it, what can be done to help normalize load times? Also, will that be in its own category once it's finalized, or will it just be fair game for the standard categories?

Thank you for your help!


Hey, not sure on the answer to 1. but for 2. We are playing on the latest patch, unless new patches severely change the routing of the run I guess. 3. I find my loads are slow first time round so you can preload all the levels then restart and that helps me. I haven't tried with the load remover but when submitting there's two times, with and without loads, to compensate for the load remover etc.

United States

I frequently clear the games cache and that seems to help. Also the game has a memory leak so I restart it a lot as well while doing runs. If you message me on discord over a weekend I have plenty of tips and some new strats I can tell you about.


It seems not many people know about this, but I made a Load-Remover (it also automatically splits). I didn't get it into the LiveSplit library yet, so if you want to use it, go down to resources on the left and download it. The instructions are there as well, but if you need help let me know.

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