Other challenges?

Other ideas for challenges like:

  • WIn a NBA title with every team
  • Fantasy Draft (choose worst players per position in the draft then try to build up from there to win a title)

Sure there's some more you can throw into the mix

Texas, USA

I'm thinking 5 min quarters and I like that worst players draft idea.


Yeh that's cool.

Stipulations for worst players draft would literally be:

  • Pick whatever team you want
  • Pick the worst possible players (at least 2 for each position but get this doesn't really matter)
  • Have the timer start from the option to auto generate rookies for the draft or to download draft class

Would have to be strictly randomly generated players for the draft I think. Keep it unpredictable too

Texas, USA

Yeah you could rely on R&G making it always possible for a better time.


Exactly. Skill plays a part but there needs an element of unpredictability

Missouri, USA

I'm a long-time NBA Live/2k simulator (I like to do team management) and do that fantasy draft where you take the worst all the time. I'd love to do this- as long as we include showing our settings screens. I've simulated enough to know how huge a difference even small tweaks on that stuff can make. :P

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