[EMU] Times (Serious Discussion #2)
8 years ago
Georgia, USA

Tozino is around a lot, Smoof is too. We need super mods. What if an even bigger debate happens, bigger than legalizing S&Q and removing emu times, and we're split 50/50. Who would have the final say? Nobody because there's no super mods, and that's if.

Georgia, USA

I believe super modding Smoof and BooHead is the way to go as they have been around the longest and they know what goes on in the Community.

Minnesota, USA

As far as I'm concerned when it comes to supermods, it should be people who have been around the community for a long time. So in that regard I do agree with HD with having Smoof and myself as supermods.

HDlax 이것을 좋아함
Florida, USA

may i ask whats the difference between mods and super mods?

Georgia, USA

Super mods can unmod and mod other people, but when you think about it, we consider them more superior. So if we have super mods they can have the final say on debates.

Georgia, USA

And we can't leave the mod list like this forever either, that has to change too. If a mod isn't doing their job we need to unmod them, rather than having to contact an admin.

United States
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

You can check profiles to check activity of people.

As of 4/6/2016, 10:18 PM EST:

Tozino last online 3 minutes ago. Sarcrai last online 6 hours ago. Boohead86 last online 20 minutes ago. Linkus7 last online 3 weeks ago. Veman3000 last online 1 month ago. Jaredsgiantz last online 2 days ago. HDlaxbm last online 32 seconds ago. Smoof last online 1 hour ago.

As it stands, Veman3000 is defintely out of the game and Linkus7 has been gone for just about the same amount of time.

Super Mods are needed for just in-case situations, and it's a definite that there needs to be at least one around. That being said, it needs to be someone with a level head who can see both sides of an argument without putting their own personal feelings into it to so their decision making is fair for everyone involved.

I have barely been here two weeks at this point, so I have no way of knowing who has that quality and my say means next to nothing, but being around for a long time doesn't necessarily mean anything if they don't have the quality I mentioned.

Dark3xile 이것을 좋아함
Florida, USA

Hold up hold up hold up. Let's do this in a better fashion than just throwing names out. Why don't we put it out to a vote. I agree that the mod list needs to be changed and super mods need to be added, but how about we leave that for a separate thread and perhaps a google doc voting system. With more names than just the mods that are on there as well.

Skozzy 이것을 좋아함
Georgia, USA

Yes, at this point I think it's fair to say that Veman and Linkus need to be removed.

KingRedEagle 이것을 좋아함
Georgia, USA

This is something so easy to figure out though GC, we don't need to wait any longer on this. It's clear who deserves to be super mod and we should just do it already.

Florida, USA

Or rather, a forum post with names on it gathered by community members. Maybe a google doc isn't necessary. My thoughts aren't quite together since this is a rushed reaction for me and I'm rather tired. But doing it in this thread and rushing people to a conclusion would be a big rushed mistake, and we don't need that.

Skozzy 이것을 좋아함
Florida, USA

I agree with gc, we've been making a lot of descions as a community and we should have a vote so it could be more fair

Georgia, USA

OK, I will go make a forum post and we will take a vote on the mod you want to be super modded and you have to give a valid reason why. Sound fair enough?

Georgia, USA

The 2 with the highest votes will be the super mods

KingRedEagle 이것을 좋아함
Florida, USA

HD I'll pm you with a format that I think will make us both happy hold up

In terms of regular mods I believe Veman and Linkus should be removed. As far as supermods go, I don't believe the amount of time someone has been around should affect anything. I personally think that's a very bad way to determine if someone should be supermod. It should be the people who are the most active in the community, have a strong presence and know how to work with the community in an effective manner, with emphasis on the first and third. And as far as I know, BooHead hasn't contributed much to the recent discussions and his presence in the community isn't that strong or at the very least doesn't feel strong. Same with Smoof. Both of those choices feel too distant. And people may disagree with me, and that's fine. This is just how I believe choosing a supermod should go, and I'd like to add I have nothing against these two personally. I'm just strictly observing this situation from an objective perspective. Leaders shouldn't be chosen based only on how long they've been around, but rather on the three reasons I've stated before.

Skozzy, KingRedEagle 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Minnesota, USA

Okay Nimbus. The only reason why I have been so distant is because I have been incredibly busy with my real life, and that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important than speedrunning at the current moment. It's the same reason why I haven't been able to stream either. I still care for this community as much as I did when I first came on the scene almost 4 years ago. I really do want to come back to playing this game, and help the community. But my own life comes first. I should NOT have to drop everything I'm doing to say that.

We all have lives and I'm in no way asking /anyone/ to drop their time that's devoted to their life for something like this. Which raises the question, why even bother to try to become a supermod when you're already extremely busy with real life? And I'm in no way questioning your love or how much you care for the community either and if I gave the impression then I'm sorry. If you don't have the time then you simply do not have the time and no one in their right mind would hold that against you or anyone in your situation. I just believe someone of such position in basically anything, not just some leaderboard site, should be able to give some time toward it to maintain a stable environment, especially in this community with how quickly things have become a mess before.

Skozzy 이것을 좋아함
Massachusetts, USA

There is absolutely no reason to rush to decisions, the only reason to even begin to imply that is for personal gain. For the good of the community, at least have the respect to have the decision be made with some thought. I'm disgusted by the premise. If it was so urgent, then why didn't any of you comment when I brought this up multiple times weeks ago, in multiple different places? This notion is immature. As far as decisions for who should be supermod, age in the community is entirely irrelevant. Availability is important, being too busy to take part in the community is a bad quality for someone in charge. That's not an excuse. As far as who should be supermodded, it appears to me like we need restructuring. Gc has been powering the recent movement to clean up the community, and doing a great job, yet he's not even a moderator, while Veman and Linkus remain entirely inactive, with invalid times, and modded. I believe that Gc deserves mod, if not supermod. I agree entirely with Nimbus' comments towards Smoof and Boohead, with respect to both of them they are bad leaders at this point in time. I believe that it's important for us to come to a consensus of what we want our community to be seen as by outsiders, and to mod people who will be good for the community instead of people who have been around longer or have better times.

Dark3xile 그리고 KingRedEagle 이것을 좋아함
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