what are games that dont require video? (switch
2 years ago
Massachusetts, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Hi! im new to speed running and all i have is a switch. im still working on getting the equipment to record the switch screen. what are some games that dont require video that are also available on switch? (if there are any) this will help alot! (im also unsure if this is the right category) Update: I forgot to mention something so let me clear it up just a bit, I have a switch lite, so i cant connect it to my television. i do think i could use the built in but im not sure how i would go from there. (as in how i would submit it from there)

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
United States


You could also find a game with short categories (less than 30 seconds) and use the built-in screen recorder.

MinecraftGaming 이것을 좋아함

you can also record your gameplay by pointing your phones camera at the tv :D

Pear 이것을 좋아함