Question About My Speedrun For Slime Rancher
3 years ago

Hello, I Have A Question.

So I'm About To Submit A PB Run For Slime Rancher Once The Video Uploads To My Channel On Youtube, But In The Run I Got Massive Frame Drop In The Glass Desert And It Slowed My Game Down By Like 50% And Its Visible On Video And It Cost Me A Lot Of Time, When You Retime Runs, If There Is Any Slow Down Would You Retime It To Where Its As If The Game Never Slowed Down, Or Do You Leave It Alone?

United States

Please read the first post in this forum.

MinecraftGaming 이것을 좋아함

i mean the slime rancher rules say the timer starts when you gain control of the character and ends when the screen cuts to black for the credits, so im assuming the answer is you would leave it alone.


To answer the question about timing runs, as it's not really related to specific games:

Some leaderboards use in-game timer, which is not (supposed to be) affected by lags or frame drops. It is up to the moderators/community of the game to decide if to accept such runs, as lag can sometimes give you an advantage, even if the in-game timer will show the "correct" time at the end. (In that case you should ask the game moderators, or in the game forums)

If the leaderboards use real time (as the case of Slime Rancher), then that will include lags and any form of slowing down the game. There is no feasible way to predict what time you will get, if the game would have been working properly. It is up to the runner to ensure the game will work at normal speed so they won't lose time. (In some cases of games, there are even specific tricks/strats used for preventing lag from happening in the first place, in case the game is known to be problematic in that regard)

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Gaming_64 그리고 ThePigKing 이것을 좋아함

Ok, My Laptop Isn't Great And It Usually Doesn't Lag Too Much When Recording, But It Sometimes Does, But That's Fine. Thank You For Your Help!