Large changes to this page
3 years ago
Orlando, FL, USA

Hello everyone. As many will soon notice, two of perhaps the largest changes have been made to this page:

The old unused Any% categories have now been removed & Multiplayer% has been changed to Duo%.

I know this is was an unprecedented move that many people were not expecting. Let me explain why the moderation took this step. While this is a simple explanation, it is necessary to let everyone know why this was done.

The removal of Any% is a bit less shocking, and some probably could have seen it coming. This category has sat unused for... I want to say over a year now, maybe? It has been some time. This category was removed due to that fact. There is no point in having a non supported category listed anymore. The game has been severely altered since that category was created in 2017 - making nearly all the runs either unbeatable or just plain unfair. So even if we were to revive that category, the existing runs would have been a lost cause anyway.

Now, for the bigger change, Multiplayer% --> Duo%. The submission page now restricts you from listing more than two people in a multiplayer run. This decision was not made very lightly, as we know this erases quite a few runs. Not most, but a good amount from each level. We did this because presenting more and more players on an unlimited scale for one level is unfair. It gives people with more players in a category an unfair advantage over a duo pair. It is also important to note that trio+ was not the popular choice for multiplayer, anyway. 95% of multiplayer runs were done as a duo. So... as a result of what I mentioned, unfair advantages, and a few other determining factors, we now restrict multiplayer to duo runs. All multiplayer runs will now require POVs, and can no longer be done in a public server.

We hope you can understand why we made these changes, and we will update you if any other changes take place - which will be likely, as the developer begins to update the game again.

If you have any questions, please ask them in this thread. Thanks, and I hope you all have a good remainder of the week.

Trio+ runs will not be removed unless they are World Records.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
v1nnyy 이것을 좋아함
Chumphon, Thailand

Removing all Trios, but keep the Trio WRs? Don't you think it's better if you create Trio%? I mean, that's kind of unfair..

Orlando, FL, USA

The post says Trio runs will be kept unless they World Records. Meaning, no. They're not all removed yet. There will be no Trio WRs.

Chumphon, Thailand

Why only Trio runs that are WRs are kept?

Orlando, FL, USA

You need to read more carefully to what has been said.

Chumphon, Thailand

I don't understand, please tell me why. (Also tell me how my posts kept getting deleted)

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Chumphon, Thailand

Where's the full game run? Why you delete it?

Chumphon, Thailand

When'll you answer my question, you juicy.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
New category - 2019 addition.

Salutations ladies and gentlemen. Due to Crazyblox being a cheeky little bugger (and basically killing the entire game), we've decided to spice up what remains of the speedrunning scene in this game. We're going back in time with this one boys!

A new category has been added: 2019 Version. We can no

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