Grabbing v1.0.11 using DepotDownloader
Grabbing v1.0.11 using DepotDownloader
업데이트됨 1 year ago 작성자 DeamonHunter

Tutorial for Getting any version of Everhood using DepotDownloader

  1. Download the latest version of Depot Downloader:

  2. Extract it and navigate to that folder.

  3. Shift - right click in the folder and select Open Powershell window here

  4. Type the following command in:

dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 1229380 -depot 1229381 -manifest [Version ID] -username [Steam Username] -password [Steam Password]

Replace [Version ID] , [Steam Username] and [Steam Password] with the relevant stuff. (Make sure to remove [ and ])

  1. If you have steam guard, it will ask you for the pin after entering the above. Version 1.0.11's id is 9004346172252630095. Other ids can be found on steam.db:


Q. I have a space or other special character (e.g. < or ? or other characters) in my username/password and it throws an error.

Surround your username or password in " and it should work.

Q. I'm getting the error: dotnet : The term 'dotnet' is not recognized

You likely do not have any version of dotnet installed, somehow. Download the console app here:

Q. I'm getting the error: Unable to login to Steam3: RateLimitExceeded

Your gonna need to wait. Steam doesn't like people attempting to login too much. Try again in like 5 min or an hour.

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