(N64 Only) Re-calibration
(N64 Only) Re-calibration
업데이트됨 2 years ago 작성자 kaptainkohl

Overview This game has poor joystick mapping. This means that you are able to abuse this poor mapping and go faster then original is supposed to be possible. To do this you need to re-calibrate the joystick from standard (0,0) position so the range of joystick movement is greater. As such if you move the joystick to (0,-100), {assume that -100 is as far back as the joystick can be pulled back}, then press the re-calibration buttons, you will have 200 degrees of movement instead of 100 degrees.

Applications This can be used in many of the levels in Elmo's Number Journey and in the Sesame Street over world. This will let Elmo go faster in these areas saving minutes of time. All levels where Elmo is walking by himself and not in a car/machine.

How to do it This trick is done by re-calibrating the joystick. To do this you Press L+R+START+ (New joystick (0,0) position). What this re-calibration does is set a new (0,0) for the controller, so in order to go faster in the forward direction hold back on the joystick and set that as the new (0,0).

Side Effects/ Problems There a few problems or things you have to worry about when doing this trick. One of these is the camera issues. Even though Elmo goes faster, the camera that follows Elmo doesn't not go faster. this can have issues because if you go to fast the camera is really far away from you can its hard to go around turns. Also be careful when calibrating b/c pressing the Start button causes a pause sometimes and that is a 10 second time loss.

Tips/Tricks Weaving back and forth causes the camera to speed back up to you. Try not re-calibrating the joystick all the way back, about somewhere around 25-75 degrees back (0-100) is a good range and as you get better try up to 75, 100 loses time because of the camera.
Try only re-calibrating during cut scenes

This also works in Elmo's Letter Adventure

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