Loading Screen Skip
Loading Screen Skip
업데이트됨 3 years ago 작성자 QuestingNight

I’m pretty sure most people know about this, but ever since the Tara’s Bazaar update if you spam tap right as the game ends you can skip through the all the animations. You’ll still want to run out your tokens as the token animations don’t change or slightly speed up, but this can save seconds in shorter runs and even minutes in longer ones.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Mini Update

Since Hank's It's Gonna Blow Star Power speed boost was decreased to 10% from 20%, all the runs with Hank will be removed from Training Cave Big Bot. Now is your chance to get a new WR.

9 months ago
7/23 Update
9 months ago
10 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 19 days ago
4 개의 답글
게시 일자 4 years ago
0 개의 답글
게시 일자 4 years ago
2 개의 답글
게시 일자 4 years ago
0 개의 답글
게시 일자 3 days ago
3 개의 답글
게시 일자 24 days ago
2 개의 답글