Any% in 4h 41m 37s by
Fourth run, runs went 5:06:19 to 4:47:39 to 4:54:39 (whoops) to this. JSR GBA and JSR were both PBs, JSRF was close but did have an Ailis Special. Many thanks to go around.
Thanks to Brobey and Aidan for advice on JSR GBA, they're keeping it alive (barely)
Thanks to Mouras for translating their JSR tutorial into English, incredibly helpful
Thanks to the JSRF community for support and guidance
Thanks to tomatoanus and Jabo over at Fallout speedrunning for inspiring me with Fallout Anthology
Thanks to Eclapricious for the great graphics and overlays
And thanks to twinkachu and fuse for hanging out in the VC