Clipping past the door in Throne Room (Throne Clip)
Clipping past the door in Throne Room (Throne Clip)
更新済み 3 years ago 投稿者: CounterPillow

This clip has three steps. You'll thusly need three skull bombs to perform it. You start with one, so pick up the two near the hole in the middle of the room.

Video of the clips being performed Alternate version should the above link not play right

Clip 1

Hug the left corner of the gate frame. Look at the corner and throw a skull bomb. Turn around to look along the gate and wait for it to explode. If the clip succeeded, you should now be partially inside the wall and gate. Hug the gate as you move your way to retrieve the torch.

Clip 2

During this clip, we yeet the torch to the other side of the gate. After picking up the torch, hug the middle section of the gate, such that you can see through the gate. Look to the right side of the gate and throw a skull bomb. Wait for it to explode; you should get up again without your torch in sight. This means you succeeded, and it's likely on the other side.

Clip 3

This clip uses a wind up strong punch with somewhat precise timing, so the setup is to time it using a regular punch. Still hug the gate in its centre. Do the following moves in quick succession; timing is critical!

Throw a skull bomb to the right, then do a single left click punch, then turn 180° to face your back against the gate and hold S and right click to perform a wind up strong punch. As you wind up, turn around again to face the gate, and punch yourself through the gate timed such that the skull bomb explodes when you are on the apex of your punch. Once knocked over by the explosion, you should be getting up on the other side of the gate.

Retrieve your torch from the floor on the other side, and light the candles. Note that the AI of the Shadows is broken now; they can still put out candles in some cases, but they will not move or attack you. Slap them hard.

Do note that the Shadows may interfere with your clips if they get too close and decide to throw fireballs at you. For safety, smack the shadow closest to the gate before you perform the first clip, but feel free to skip this if you've found this to not increase your likelihood of success.
