I assume it would be the same sort as a "NES Remix" version of the leaderboard.
- Start timer on first challenge
- Timer ends at the final time pops up for the last challenge
- Must be done in order.
I'm currently grinding the Zelda 1 full-game run.
Nice run! You went pretty deep into the run before you got stuck on "On a hot run, but on my last life" mode.
Can we get Red Viper added to the list of approved Emulators? It runs on the 3DS and can use the 3D function of the console. Github Project: https://github.com/skyfloogle/red-viper
Can we get Red Viper added to the list of approved Emulators? It runs on the 3DS and can use the 3D function of the console. Github Project: https://github.com/skyfloogle/red-viper
Can we get Red Viper added to the list of approved Emulators? It runs on the 3DS and can use the 3D function of the console. Github Project: https://github.com/skyfloogle/red-viper
Just noticed I didn't have sound into OBS when recording. RIP. Will see if I can do the record again...
100% complete the "Gallery Corner"
50% (Modern/Classic) complete all "Modern" or "Classic " (2 separate categories) sections of the "Gallery Corner"
Questions: So for this one, the requirements would be get enough points to unlock them? like...
Flag Man Get 400 Points in Modern Fire Octopus Get 800 Points in Modern Fire Ball Get 400 Points in Modern Manhole Parachute Get 800 Points in Modern Manhole Fire Get 400 Points in Modern Oil Panic Turtle Bridge Get 800 Points in Modern Oil Panic Vermin Get 400 Points in Modern Octopus Chef Get 800 Points in Modern Octopus
- Fresh Save
- Score 800+ in Modern Fire/Mahole/Oil Panic/Octopus
- Head to "Gallary Corner" and show Flag Man, Octopus, Ball, Parachute, Fire, Turtle Brigde, Vermin, Chef is unlocked. ============ Classic 50% ============ Helmet Get 400 Points in Classic Octopus Mario's Cement Factory Get 800 Points in Classic Octopus Judge Get 400 Points in Classic Manhole Fire Attack Get 800 Points in Classic Manhole Lion Get 400 Points in Classic Oil Panic Boxing Get 800 Points in Classic Oil Panic Manhole Get 400 Points in Classic Fire Mario Bros. Get 800 Points in Classic Fire Requirement:
- Fresh Save
- Score 800+ in Classic Fire/Mahole/Oil Panic/Octopus
- Head to "Gallary Corner" and show Helmet, Mario's Cement Factory, Judge, Fire Attack, Lion, Boxing, Manhole and Mario Bros. is unlocked.
================================== This sounds like fun, might do a run in the next few days.
Does it come up with a error message? And what plugin are you using?
I'll throw together a quick guide this week showing how I setup my obs to display keyboard keystrokes (I use real hardware for my runs now)