スレッド: The Site
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

Hmm... maybe forget the option to hide/show these extra runs, just run a comparison once on the leaderboard and strip out the runs that shouldn't stay. The check against the rest of the runs on the leaderboard would then only be done when someone submits a new PB... it would be checking to see if there are any old PBs that can be removed due to the addition of the new one.

Granted, I realize this is still pretty complicated to program.

スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

Check your launch options.. make sure there is nothing there

スレッド: The Site
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

Hi Pac,

In regards to 4-player support - can you take a look at this thread? We want to hide times that are not PB for any player



スレッド: Speedrunning
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

I have learned to recognize traffic light cycles on my walk to work... the cool thing is I actually have a backup strat because there is a subway station that goes under the street I need to cross. So I have it figured out whether or not I should wait for the light or go through the station based on the timing of the lights at the nearby intersection.

Except when the strat backfires because a train just got in and the station is so busy it takes longer to walk through :/

Back when I was in school I used to walk along a larger street that had traffic lights every block, and they all turn red at the same time to let the cross-streets go. If I had to walk down the street more than 3 blocks and cross it, there would always be a most optimal intersection where I didn't lose any time because the time it took to walk 1 block was different than the length of the light cycle.

n3r0t そして Tigame これを好き
スレッド: The Site
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

Link to Category: http://www.speedrun.com/Portal_2#Cooperative_Game

Hi, I am a moderator of Portal 2. Our co-op category has many submissions that probably shouldn't belong because Personal Bests do not override old runs unless Player 1 and Player 2 are the same as an existing run. For example, there is a run with Klooger as Player 1 and Betsruner as Player 2, and another run with Betsruner as Player 1 and Klooger as player 2. In addition to this, both Klooger and Betsruner have better times playing with other players. The result is that this inflates the leaderboard and people's ranking appears to be much worse than it should really be.

We would like add a display option on multiple player categories to hide all runs that are not a Personal Best for any of the runners playing. As long as it is the personal best of at least one of the runners, it should remain shown. I'm not sure if this will be difficult to implement on the site's backend... but I'm hoping it can be done. Please let me know if this is something that can be worked on by the development team.

Thanks, Znernicus

G-lint, Avetixz そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

good to know! In this case you would put 1:17:50 on the board. Is 3 seconds the most it's ever been off? Maybe the short penalty can be reduced to 3 seconds instead of 5.

スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

Also Peroculos wants to do some testing on the timing difference of demos/no demos and livesplit, the estimate of 24.4s may change, he expects it will actually decrease slightly. We'll try to figure out the most fair difference to add but regardless demo timing is encouraged.

スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

This is just talking about Single Player Single segment category. Coop runs are not affected by the demo delay the same way. Their demos are more complicated to time because they start with a piece of the loading screen, so the demo timer already has to cut that out. I don't know much about differences in livesplit in coop vs. the specially made coop demo timer, but it wouldn't create that 20+ second difference I'm pretty sure.

スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

I know this hasn't been communicated well in the past, but I have realized that there may be several runners who think they are timing the game accurately but are not.

To put it simply: Livesplit is not accurate when demo recording is not used. Use Portal 2 Live Timer, or if you want to run with livesplit, time the demos after the run.


Demo recording has always been, and will always be the most accurate way to time runs. It is resilient to lagspikes, loads, etc. and has proven to be 100% accurate giving the exact number of ticks (1/60th of a second, think of it like a frame) that a chamber takes.

It was discovered in 2011 or 2012 that demo recording through a load causes roughly a 0.4 second delay. To avoid this problem, challenge mode runners would always stop their demo before the next attempt and begin one after they loaded in. This is the norm for challenge mode. However, in a single segment run there is no way to accurately get rid of this 0.4 second delay. The best way to get a consistent timing is to allow the demos to automatically continue recording through each chamber. In the case of a death, the best way to continue timing is to pause upon reloading and record a new demo before continuing. Unfortunately there is no way to make demos automatically continue recording after a death, but of course deaths can only lose time so there shouldn't be a lot of them to worry about.

During the course of the run (62 chambers, so 61 between-chamber loads) this 0.4 second (approx.) delay would amount to about 24-25 seconds. We accepted this in single segment timing because demos was (and still is) the most consistent method of in-game timing and also they allow you to later play back the run and render it in high quality.

Fast forward a few years and Sourcesplit (a plugin for Livesplit) was developed to remove loads from source games. This was extremely helpful for games like half life 2 where RTA was previously the standard. It "works" in portal 2 as well as it does for other games, but it's not like demo timing... it doesn't base its timing on the amount of in-game ticks that pass so it can differ and can be a few seconds off across a full run. Most importantly, if demos are not being recorded, the 0.4 second delay will not be captured in the timing and the time will not only be less accurate, but unfairly faster than demo recording. For some other source games (including Aperture Tag) sourcesplit is still your best option. For Portal 2, we already had something better.

I don't want to start removing people's times because they didn't know all of this (honestly, if you weren't around in the community 2-3 years ago you just wouldn't know), so instead I want to propose: -A penalty of 30 seconds to be added to those runs which did not record demos and used livesplit to track in game time. (to counter estimated 24.4 seconds of delay, plus generally less accurate timing method)

-A penalty of 5 seconds for those runs which use livesplit timing while demo recording. (To counter generally less accurate timing method)

Of course, runners who have demos can and should use the time given by Portal 2 demo timer or Portal 2 Live Timer so they would have no penalty.

I don't mean for this to be harsh, I just want to make our leaderboards more fair. I do apologize for the lack of this timing explanation being readily available and known, it's partly due to the fact that I am not as active as I used to be , and also partly because I never expected there to be so many newcomers to speedrun the game (which is a really awesome thing!!!)

I have not made any edits to submissions yet, I want feedback before I actually implement these ideas.

DarkstreamerHD, yp, そして PackSciences これを好き
スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

Sorry this is 6 months late... I should really check these forums. Made the category under misc cuz why not

スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

"All intended solutions", where the rules are made up based on your own opinion and the time doesn't matter :P

スレッド: Portal 2
New Jersey, USAZnernicus8 years ago

The idea that the entire list of non-cheat protected console commands has to be treated the same is kind of silly to me. Each command in question is dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Portal funneling was agreed by a majority of players to be OK, that it did not take away from the gameplay in a speedrun and also because of its presence in portal 1 it was viewed as a more natural option to use. In short, nobody had a problem with it based on what it does. Commands like phys_timescale on the other hand were widely viewed as distorting the physics of the game on a fundamental level and would only serve to worsen the gameplay.

losi そして PackSciences これを好き
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