スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

So what I do in my runs that I believe is acceptable is during those early boss fights I spam circle (default shoot) on my controller and x on the keyboard in rapid sequence since the game code doesn't seem to have forced delays between inputs. I also use the spacebar to jump at this time.

This doesn't really count as double inputs as I am pressing 3 different inputs just very quickly in succession.

I think this is fair as the game is basically unplayable without a controller so it's a fair assumption that players will have both M+K and a controller.

Perhaps rebinding space bar to L1 would be more convenient. I guess the question is whether that rebind is easy enough to do on other controllers.

スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

So my concern with certain rebinds is that if they can't be done on the vast majority of controllers then that creates an unfair advantage to those with access to certain hardware.

For example the PS4 controller using a basic DS4 connection considers the Square input to be both a jump and shoot input which can also give an advantage on those fights. Now this is only available to those with a PS4 controller which I think gives an unfair advantage hence why I don't support its usage.

These are just my thoughts on it though.

スレッド: Loop-Loop DX
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

Yes that's what I would go with. From that point onwards there is no additional input needed to complete the stage.

I'll amend the rules description to make it clear.

Pixel-Master64 これを好き
スレッド: Loop-Loop DX
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

I have just done a test and you can still quit out of the white world after defeating Vektor thus allowing you to get your IL times without locking yourself out.

This means that you can do all the worlds except 1 over and over again for IL practice and then you need to commit to final world only.

So not as bad as it could be.

Pixel-Master64 これを好き
スレッド: Loop-Loop DX
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

OK I have added a new subcategory for No Upgrades as well as IL runs for every level

Go nuts with the attempts :)

スレッド: Loop-Loop DX
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

These are things I have been thinking about as well.

I guess the problem with IL is that once you get past a certain point you need to reset your progress to try them again. It doesn't stop the boards from existing to be fair so I can look into it this weekend.

No upgrades would be cool so I can also look to add that.

Watch this space :)

ScotlandReicha74 years ago

I don't know of any tutorial videos but _LoS has been finding a lot of new techniques in his streams so it may be worth tuning into those if you can or checking out his PBs

WiiSuper, KilleDragon, そして __LoS_ これを好き
スレッド: Kula World
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

Oh I can't add it to resources for some reason. Here's a link to it on github (I have requested it get added to the master list too): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/archieyates/Autosplitters/master/KulaWorld.asl

スレッド: Kula World
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

Ok I've managed to get an autosplitter working for ePSXe200 running an NTSC Roll Away version of the game (no idea how to work out specific versions). Will add to the resources and can work on it if people have other versions they want updated.

スレッド: Kula World
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

Yeah I assumed so. Just figured since there has been one before we could just look it out again.

In terms of emulator I have ePSXe200 and use it for most PS1 games I play and it seems to be the go to for most PS1 speedruns I see here.

スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

I was wondering about this as well. I believe the timer was added in a later patch so not all runs even had access to it.

Another issue is that the timer pauses on the pause screens and during dialogue. This means that players could just pause the run for as long as they wanted without changing the IGT which I'm not sure how valid that should be. It also pauses the moment you best Crackers and are floating into his mouth (which is convenient for grabbing it) but kind of contradicts what the rules currently state is the end point of the run.

I like the IGT for sure and think that if we add new categories based off of a new game then we could use it but arbitrarily splitting the leaderboards/hiding older times because they didn't have the IGT seems a bit unfair.

ScotlandReicha74 years ago

First time attendee feedback.

  • Venue. The venue was incredible. Its proximity to major facilities and ease of access to the event floor was excellent. The price was very reasonable too so props for getting us such a good discount!
  • Variety. There was a nice variety of runs covering different genres, platforms and categories and the "block" never went on for too long. Nice mix of short and long games.
  • Stream 2. Having a second stream which could often be a more chill environment or offer something a bit different was a welcome choice.
  • Free Stuff. Access to arcade machines, board games as well as free ice cream and pop corn was always nice if the stream wasn't showing quite what you were interested in.
  • Room stream. Being able to watch the stream on the hotel TVs was awesome and a great way to chill out if the main event got a bit much
  • People. As this was my first marathon I was worried about the whole awkward trying to talk to people but everyone I spoke to was lovely and genuinely made me feel like a welcome member of the community.
  • Practice area. The Practice Area was really well set up and having it in the same room as the runs created a really nice atmosphere of everyone celebrating and embracing speedruns together.
  • Badge. An error resulted in my real name rather than my screen name being printed on my badge. This was both a bit awkward when it came to introductions and also when it came to commentating a run. As I didn't have the chip on my badge to scan I had to talk Tech through the name I wanted on stream which didn't match my badge and I think caused some minor grievances (it was 3am though so I can totally understand)
  • Website. The website wasn't always the cleanest to navigate when it came to the schedule. Having to always scroll all the way down to find the next run was a bit irritating. It sounds like there is work being done to the website anyway so I'll reserve any major judgement until then.
  • Rules. Some rules were not always made clear. There was a sort of rule regarding what food was and wasn't allowed in the event area but it seemed inconsistent depending on who was violating it.
スレッド: Kula World
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

I noticed that some of the older runs used an autosplitter. I know since IGT is used it's less necessary but was wondering if it still existed anywhere? If I was to run this game I think it would be fun to have a per-level time so.i can track improvements.

If it doesn't exist anywhere I could look into making one if anyone knows roughly what variables were being tracked by it.

スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

I always bail out of the game before starting a new run. It's a pain but I'm not losing time to memory leaks (which I don't even understand how they could happen since it's a Unity C# game!)

スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

So I was doing a couple of derusting sessions in the hopes of beating my PB at some point (still nowhere near as my space and shadow realm are so rusty) and I came across an interesting new trick.

Normally I play on controller and was getting thumb ache spamming shoot on Dr. Ludo and Skelord so tried it out on keyboard and I've realised you can actually spam both of them to shoot twice as fast. It seems the input checker will just check both each frame.

This basically means you can kill both those bosses without really having to move that much and save a ton of time.

Thought I'd share in case anyone fancied doing runs again.

ScotlandReicha74 years ago

Already had that emulator and found an NTSC ISO that I think is a valid version (no idea how to check).

Just did the first few levels casually on Wussy difficulty. Gonna do a full casual playthrough to get my bearings and then might start practicing some runs.

Yeah the controls are something else: my hands started to ache after about an hour of continuous play.

Do we allow use of the analogue stick or is it dpad only? Can't remember if the original game supported analogue or not.

WeaponLord そして WagnerBrasil これを好き
ScotlandReicha74 years ago

So I cam across this page quite randomly and remember this game from my childhood. The run looks pretty interesting and I wouldn't mind at least trying it out.

My question is, which emulator do you recommend for running? I imagine I would probably run NTSC version to match the other runs but have never really done my emulator speedrunning before.

Any advice would be awesome :)

WeaponLord そして WagnerBrasil これを好き
スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha75 years ago

I rewatched my last run on YT and I may have been slightly off in my statement that the prompt immediately disappears. In my vid it disappeared exactly 3 frames (video frames not necessarily game frames) after I interacted with it but it was consistent both times with my timing.

I still stand by that this is better than fade-to-black as it means less room for errors of judgement on the runner's part.

スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha75 years ago

For surprise party my suggestion would be the point the interaction prompt disappears which happens the moment you interact with the present (both at the start and end). Doing this means there will be less adjusting for the runs and (in my opinion) less human error as they try to use "best judgement" on when the run starts/ends. For me at least it is much easier to just either bind both keys to the same button for frame perfect split or to hover my finger over the split key and press it the moment I hit interact.

Will probably save you having to do such big re-timing if they prove necessary.

スレッド: Squirm
ScotlandReicha75 years ago

So basically instead of ending time on interaction we basically wait until we reappear in the hub. I may have missed the debate but what's the reason for this? Is it just so verification is easier?

As a runner it's much easier to hit the split button at the exact same time as I press interact with the present: sometimes I even bind split to interact for that reason.

I may be showing some bias since my only other game doesn't require verification so I can't relate to the potential time annoyance of having to verify runs. Just sees (in my opinion) a bit counter-productive to the runners.

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