MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

@keny No it won't, grenade launcher RNG is completely unrelated to those things. Grenade Launcher RNG causes resets, not a time loss, it can't be managed, it can't be dealt with. Everything else are RNG that causes time losses instead. Thinking that if we allow Grenade Launcher RNG to be removed would make people want the other RNG to me removed is idiotic, because they're not even close to being related apart from being RNG.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

It's not changing the game for our own favor, it's for everyone's favor, there's no downsides for anyone.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

Principle, yes, that's the entire reason why most of the people who are against it are against it. It doesn't matter if it makes a ton of sense practically, it doesn't matter if there's nothing to lose and everything to gain, it doesn't matter if will literally double the appeal of the game to existing and new runners, it's against your principles so you will say no.

If you're going to make it a separate category, be sure to add a nemesis% grenade launcher category too.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

So it's painfully obvious, everyone saying no are against it because it alters the game, they don't have anything against what the alteration itself does, since it's just removing a reset point.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

People aren't picking and choosing, we're voting on just this one thing being allowed. And this one thing, is extremely arbitrary, adds no value to the game, and kills runs for no reason. It's especially worse on nemesis%, since there's not even a magnum route for nemesis%.

Edit: All of you are forgetting nemesis%, there's not a even a route for it, in fact, I doubt there's a single submitted magnum nemesis% run.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

The magnum rng and all the other rngs are completely unrelated, yet people are acting like they are. The magnum rng causes guaranteed resets, absolutely no matter what, it might as well be a game crash that the community is patching, so it's okay to make a special case for it, all the other RNG are a matter of time losses.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

If you want to make it fair and add a magnum% category ,where's the magnum nemesis% category? Not really fair is it? Since nemesis% is the category that's most affected by the grenade launcher rng since you're arriving later after a tougher early game.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

No I meant change the current Any% to include only guaranteed grenade launcher. That way any% remains the same. Yes tampering with a game's memory in a speedrun is heresy, but this is a special case where the only thing it eliminates is uncontrollable resets, and it doesn't affect the final time at all. There's literally no downsides to including it, except principle. All the top runners saying no are simply trying to gatekeep their game.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

It would only kill Any% if you remove all the rng, any% will remain exactly the same if you only remove grenade launcher rng.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

If it's made into its own category, then what about nemesis%? There'd need to be a nemesis% no rng too, and knife% no rng if you change every rng in the game. Changing only the grenade launcher rng is okay because it's a hard reset point, not a time loss, unlike every other rng in the game.

MongoliaOrchlon7 years ago

A special consideration needs to be made for the grenade launcher because compared to all the other RNG in this game, it's a reset no matter what. Every other RNG in the game can be managed, but the grenade launcher can't. But by all means, make it its own category, and we'll see the current any% category die overnight.

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