your run will be automatically rejected if any mod sees you using the touchpad for start. Its not a default option. ONLY the right analog stick is allowed to be remapped for stairskaiting under the DOOR SKIP category. Please and thankyou.
sorry for the late reply but There is a NG+ option which helps alot and thats played on very easy mode. Try your luck with that category
just curious... but umm shouldnt 2nd players controller be lighting up when pressing buttons? isnt that required? the xbox controller being displayed isnt regestering any inputs.
In all those other games, you are allowed to freely keybind those controls. HOWEVER, in remastered it does not. you have specific controller schemes. its not fully customizable. This game is unique in that sense. Sorry for the delay.
@kestrel_ Q and @everyone.
so what your saying is, you cant use the analog stick due to wrist issues? tapping Square is way worse on your wrist then analog skating ever could. The analog skating is showing that you guys are still using a skill for the stairs. just like mashing square. rotating the analog stick still requires some skill. If you have wrist issues, this is the best possible way to play the game unless you use turbo macros which are banned.
you can buy it on the steam store :)
being able to go to any room in the game would be a major help for practicing vs loading up saves. Would like to see how pessi feels about it.
Hey now dont get me wrong I dont like mods just as much as you guys. Its a costume change.
Ps. I too am against mods.
no problem. Just wanted to verify. Thought I seen someone use this a while back, but all good.
Hello Everyone! I was personally wondering if we could use this mod for speedruns? its strictly for costume purposes and doesnt effect the game.
heres a link to the Mod so you can look over the Mod please let me know as Jills blue stars uniform look incredible. Thankyou
I have the solution for you guys who want to use your playstation controller. Its in the boards now. Check it out. Might being you guys back to running the game. And my way is legal
I'm also from Michigan. Small world lol. And good im glad. Exactly why I made it!
For those of you using a DS4 controller (ps4 controller) i posted a guide on how to set that up. HAVE FUN RUNNING RUNNERS :)
well whoever has the correct file should replace the one we have now so its not a hassle. Just my opinion.
I'm gonna be posting a guide that piggy backs off of maxylobes tutorial for using a ps4 controller.
i mean i have DS4 Windows.. i could experiment and see i suppose. I also agree with Pessi on this.
im pretty confused on this myself... this aint easy at all for ps4 users. Ive done all the steps. left my stick blank, got jotokey, did eveything... nothing.