スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte7 years ago

Finally after almost a year:

Hankyu, Arcree そして 5 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte7 years ago

There are a lot of things I'd like to test. Like the 2 dash thing, manual autojumping. Also apparently the controller has this key which only closes the menu (won't reopen it).

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte7 years ago

On related matter is there a way to bind xbox inputs to keyboard?

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte7 years ago

I didn't know there were that many active IL players

OmegaFallon, Hankyu そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte7 years ago

Shouldn't it be the other way round that there should be certain level of interest before it is added. No reason to add it if it stays empty.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte7 years ago

I can recommend 1-15xx with naija

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

I vote for the dream team Uber+Mij

Mijzical, warm_ham, そして Uber これを好き
スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

Also the difference between the current any% category and glitchless any% would be quite minimal, only about 10 seconds.

warm_ham これを好き
スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

Why is the time requirement so low, it is not like we are getting a huge surge of players anyway.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

As I see it there are 2 types of clips doable with naija. First there is the half block clip like in 5-1x, 3-1x, 3-10x, etc. These are all very consistent and can realistically be expected to be got every time. These usually require a super dash.

Then there is the solid block clip, possible spots for these are quite abundant notable levels for ss include 3-13x, 3-18x and 5-9x. I believe these require pixel perfect positioning and are generally hard to get consistently. They are definitely possible with a stable 60 fps but variable framerates/ frame drops might make them easier. I don't think super dashes help these in any way since these clips are always done horizontally.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

I have already explained my reasoning why I think clips should be allowed but I'll explain it again. First of all I think all rules should be as unambiguous as possible with no room for interpretation. The rule of banning only intentional clips doesn't fit that criterion. Banning all clips is too harsh since sometimes accidental clips are unavoidable. The option we are left is allowing all clips and as I have no better arguments against it, I think it is the one we should use.

Of course we can't decide what people should run, they can run whatever they want. The question is what rules should the leaderboards use. The truth is that the popularity of a category greatly affects what people run. Say if timer glitch and wrong warping were banned in 106% I would definitely run with those restrictions.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

You act as if allowing clips somehow degrades the run, and ruins the category. it really doesn't, the difference in time in the end is quite small and besides clips are just as interesting to the viewer as something like brownie skip or 2-7x skip and we are not thinking about banning those. Especially considering most of the clips you would go for in ss are 100% consistent.

The segmented run needing to follow the same rules as the single segment category is one of the least convincing arguments. They don't need to have the same set of rules at all and even if we accepted the notion of banning intentional clips the rule set would still be different as accidental clips are not a thing in a segmented run.

I like it how you took convicting someone of a crime as an analogy how something is just obvious to see and tell. Telling if someone is going for a clip isn't as clear cut as you seem to believe. 4-12 and 4-12x are by no means the only levels that intentional clips that could be seen as an accident, 3-13x, 5-1warp, 5-1x and 3-18x come to mind.

I must say splitting the categories is one of the worst option we have. The number of people running this category is already fairly small and splitting it further for a the small difference in the rules is insane. Especially considering the difference in the time would should be less than the difference between the current world record holder and the 2nd place.

I am also curious how do you think clips are an "arbitrary" time gain while timer glitches, wrong warping and going out of bounds are not. Saying that you still complete a level at least once is just as arbitrary.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

The point of speedrunning is to go as fast as possible regardless of the difficulty of the route, not to have a route that is the most skill intensive. The rules are just there so we can do the tricks we enjoy doing and skip the ones we don't.

I would be all for allowing replay glitch if it weren't for the audio issues that follow from it. As for alt-glitch intentionally lagging the game isn't enjoyable for me and I am sure many would agree.

The problem with banning clips is that accidental clips will always exist and banning those is a bit harsh imo. Only banning some clips is not ideal either because it leaves room for interpretation. The rules should be unambiguous so the only option left is just to allow clips.

Avetixz これを好き
スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

Then why not just allow them then, no need to overcomplicate things. If they are only discouraged someone will go for them and then everyone else would be at a disadvantage.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

I don't think it is a good idea to have something allowed but discouraged. What purpose does the discouragement serve? You are just handicapping yourself if you choose not to use clips.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

Just the abundance of possible clips, I would say there are over a minute worth of possibly ss doable clips. Most of them require very little skill and are effectively rng and the chance of getting them depends on the hardware you are using.

I can get clips in 3-13x and 5-9x consistently enough to consider using them, both save 15+s.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

After some testing I kinda wish they weren't.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

The most popular categories should be in the main page imo. If alt any% ww is put to the main page instead of any% ww then why isn't alt 106 there over 106. It all comes down to what people want to run and any% ww just happens to be more popular than alt any% ww.

スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

I don't know why are we combining misc any%, they are all different categories so they should be separate. Effectively we are talking about removing any% WW and any% alt no WW.

I think we should keep them.

Avetixz これを好き
スレッド: Super Meat Boy
FinlandMatte8 years ago

Are intentional clips allowed?

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