Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

Ah yeah, there's been a mix up. We're travelling/arriving on Thursday 21 at 10:00ish. I wanted Friday 22 but its cheaper on Thursday 21. No worries, I'll have to hope there's someone who can help us :(

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

So you're going on Friday 22? I guess I could look into hotels in Copenhagen on Thursday 21. I currently have a double room booked at Scandic in Vaxjo but if I can find one the same price or cheaper in Copenhagen I guess I could do that if you're actually able to come get us and give us a lift? :3

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

I'm so glad you've got a lift cursed! :D

Now Josh and I need a lift from Copenhagen Airport >.< Mizter......? ;) Joke joke. But can anyone help us? :(

curseddolls これを好き
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

Oh okay. I told her what you said, she says she hasn't got anything on her Skype and asks if she can have your info so she can add you?

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

You're welcome <3 You promised me girly times and make overs, and I don't want to be alone so I want you there :(

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

Are there any people offering lifts in Sweden?

Joshimuz and I would love a lift from Copenhagen Airport sometime around 11:00-12:00 on Thursday 21. We would also require a lift back sometime around 14:00-15:00 on Monday 1 August. We can pay petrol and buy lunch/a meal on the way?

Curseddolls and Neviutz need a lift from Mariestad or Skövde on Saturday 23 I think, you'd have to contact Cursed about this. They really need help because a friend has let them down and train is too expensive so if they can't get a back up lift then they won't be able to go. Can a friendly soul help them? They'd also be willing to pay you etc.


Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

I'm wondering if anyone is in Copenhagen on Thursday 21 from around 10am-12noon? Trains are still £55 and I'd rather not pay that each when previous years has been £20 each :/ So I'm trying to save money and see if anyone can gift Joshimuz and me a lift? We'll be arriving sometime around 10am at Copenhagen on Thursday 21. We can offer petrol money etc. We'd also need a lift back on Monday 1 August at around 2pm? Can anyone help out? Or is there a cheap coach we could take instead?

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

Now that there is more room in the main event building due to mass housing being moved to an adjacent one, there is space to hold side events. Joshimuz and I are wondering if anyone would be interested in a Hearthstone tournament?

It wouldn't be an "official" one through Blizzard so it won't be on the Fireside Gathering website and you won't be able to get the card back (if they still do this). It's just a fun exclusive tourney for those at ESA!

What we're thinking is;

  • Entrants submit 5 decks
  • Opponent bans 1 deck
  • Player picks 3 of their remaining 4 available decks
  • Games are played in BO5 (First to 3 wins) double elimination, in conquest format (Meaning if you win with a deck you can no longer use it, need to win with all decks)
  • No banning in the final which will be BO9 (First to 5 wins)

What do people think? If anyone has any suggestions then feel free. There won't be any PC's available so if you want to participate then you'll need to bring laptops or tablets/phones.

We're not sure if this will be streamed yet. If we have access to a laptop then we could look into doing this via spectating as Josh is interested in hosting it.

Edit: Here's an example of the type of bracket we'd use http://challonge.com/jj268zef

Interest/Sign-up Form is here: http://goo.gl/forms/0m2fmh6Aj6KYc3Qi2

Planks, Indi そして 2 その他 これを好き
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz7 years ago

I'm going to give it until Friday 15 for anyone to show interest in the pre-booked quad rooms or I'll get them to cancel as knowing me if I leave it too late I'll forget lol. Reminder; its a quad room at Scandic on Thursday 21, Friday 22 and Sunday 31, let me know if you want any or all nights.

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Hey everyone.

Does anyone need/want a hotel room? I originally reserved a quad room on Thursday 21, Friday 22 and Sunday 31 but plans have changed and we're getting a double room instead on Thursday 21 and Friday 22. Apparently if I can get people to take the room, they can keep the reservation but just change the name of it. Anyone want?

This is at Scandic. Let me know if anyone wants a night or all nights then give me your name so I can pass it on to the hotel to change the name on the reservation.

MizterConfuzing これを好き
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Sounds good to me. Maybe see how many people would be interested so we know how much tables to request reserving with them?

MizterConfuzing これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Hello everyone!

I came across this Reddit post earlier and I'm helping them with this event. Mental health is something close to my heart and I'm sure others can relate. I thought I would post on here to spread the news and let people know its happening as well as ask if anyone would be interested in participating. If anyone wants to submit a game or two, or ask more about it then comment on the Reddit post or message https://twitter.com/SuperBlitzCraig


I would love to run a regular event in the UK for speedruns and gaming as I can imagine it sucks for people who can't go to ESA or AGDQ but I don't have the experience or money right now to do this. Would people be interested if this happened though?

OddsomeOddy これを好き
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

inb4 its super hot this summer and no one can or will want to wear it XD can a tshirt be made with this design? aka simply black with the logo (or a choice of colour and logo)? could sell seperately or together at a discount - aka hoodie is £29, tshirt is £15-£20 but together it could be £40? I'd be down for getting both <3

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Awesome! Stop taking money from us :( Kappa

I need to find out what size I am as I go by UK sizes.

Is there supposed to be a link under the photo for more photos as there isn't one for me?

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Hey I absolutely love organising and have already sorted out a few peoples' travel stuff so if you need or want help let me know :)

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Heya. I already posted in the Travel room on Discord but Joshimuz and I are going on Friday 22 July and coming back on August 1, going to Gatwick. Someone is coming down to ours a few days before then travelling with us, and we'll be meeting another friend in Copenhagen. Anyone is welcome to tag along :)

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Does this mean if people are interested in doing this then there won't be any bowling? This isn't really something I would do and I doubt I could due to my weight and not being fit enough.

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Because I think we would preferably get the earlier flight but if Wayno goes he wants to meet up with us at Copenhagen and that is the only time our flights kinda meet (30 minutes inbetween). I mean even if he doesn't go we might till get the later one, it's up to Josh and Ash I guess but it would mean we wouldn't get to Vaxjo until at least 7:30pm. I don't know if they'd just want to get to the hotel, eat then crash or actually hang out with people for a bit. :P

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

If Wayno goes to ESA then him, me, Josh and Ashcash will be arriving at Copenhagen at 16:30 on Friday 22, if Wayno doesn't go to ESA then me, Josh and Ashcash will be arriving at Copenhagen at 11:30 on Friday 22.

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Could someone tell me what the sizes are in UK?

Also is there any update on photos or videos of the venue?

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