スレッド: The Site
Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

I quite liked being able to filter by each video game, and not just games I follow. The main reason I'm asking is because if it's not already being planned, I wanted to have a go at doing it myself for practice sake.

スレッド: Speedrunning
Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

I wanted to practice the Final Fantasy VII Remake runs, starting with easy difficulty. The game is amazing, I love it so much and I feel like I'd quite enjoy running it. But I'm wondering how I should go about doing such a long run while managing to take a piss and not starve. I also experience quite a bit of loneliness sometimes and wouldn't want this to contribute.

Should I practice this in small chunks first, like one chapter at a time?

スレッド: Talk
Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

Haha well that's probably a good thing for getting used to the feel of it.

スレッド: Talk
Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

I've wanted to try out livestreaming for a long time but I feel like I have so many walls to knock down, one of them being my fear of being judged. I know the Internet is a harsh place and showing my face/voice (I know I don't have to but I like to make the most effort) would be incredibly regrettable if I said something which got me mocked or bullied or something.

I'm nervous enough posting things on Reddit even though there's nothing that ties my account to who I am as a person, besides the opinions I make on things.

Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

Why do people fire arrows and use magic at the wall at the end of every boss battle? And why did this guy I'm watching jump off the edge of Moldorm?

BBoppers これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

Oh, sorry, I did have a look but my eyes must have skipped over this.

Habreno これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

It's been like this for about a week, the game thumbnails won't be aligned to the right of the streaming thumbnail and the streaming thumbnail won't show the stream.


スレッド: Speedrunning
Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

Do you have anything to look at the chat?

スレッド: Speedrunning
Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

I was thinking of getting another monitor the same size (24 inch) as the one I'm using now, with the intention of playing games off of it, so I can stream off of it, but I'm wondering if I'd still need OBS up, or Chrome with Twitch on it, or a third party software to view chat. How would I lay it all out?

Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

Ah yeah that's a good point I hadn't considered, every category would be multiplied, haha.

Lancashire, EnglandJono4 years ago

Or better yet, why aren't they categories / tabs? I think everyone would benefit. Runners would have more categories compete in, and viewers would have varied speedruns to watch. Or is Jigglypuff already outlawed? Because that might help variance too.

Lancashire, EnglandJono5 years ago

Something like;

Stealth - Easy Stealth - Hard Lazer - Easy Laser - Medium

Etc etc.

スレッド: Far Cry 4
Lancashire, EnglandJono5 years ago

Just watched the Non-alternate-ending run and he lets the tiger eat him alive, then he backs out and fast travels back to do the missions like normal? Why would you go out of your way to do that?

スレッド: Speedrunning
Lancashire, EnglandJono5 years ago

There's quite a few modifications you can do to both consoles, I've seen columns in the Final Fantasy XV page saying whether the runner has an SSD or a Pro / Slim. I know that you can time it with or without loads, but is that the only thing altering a game's speed? And how can someone time something so specifically that they'll cut out each loading screen by the frame?

スレッド: Speedrunning
Lancashire, EnglandJono6 years ago

I keep telling myself not to start until I finish my casual 100% run, and the thought of having to wave the JoyCons making my arms ache doesn't fill me with a lot of hope. And I always see new WR's being uploaded on the subreddit, it's making me wonder how competitive it actually is.

Plus there would be a LOT of memorising involved, or at least partially recognising how to complete moons from notes. And there's like 800 of them isn't there? What do you guys think?

Lancashire, EnglandJono6 years ago

Eh, I posted on Reddit (/r/speedrun) but with 47 views and no responses I don't think anybody there cares. Technically I've gotten audio recording but the sound beams a load of heavy distortion through along with the in-game sound.

Edit: okay scratch that, a couple people chimed in.

Lancashire, EnglandJono6 years ago

I'm not sure I can. The closest HDTV only has one HDMI slot and I don't have any converters on-hand for HDMI to VGA. My other TV has multiple HDMI slots but it'd require a beast of a cable to reach.

Edit: I got it working, just about. Set the TV resolution on my Nintendo Switch to 480p as it was the only option. I'm sure it'll be fine for speedrunning with but what if I want to stream full-screen for casual runs? Also, I need to read up on how to get the audio captured to and get a splitter to make it so I can play it on my TV/Second Monitor. Man, this is so complicated and there are cables everywhere. I'm almost contemplating choosing an emulator game just to avoid this.

Lancashire, EnglandJono6 years ago

How do you set these properties for the card itself? Changing the resolution on the Roxio software itself doesn't change anything.

P.s. This is what it looks like when the console is turned off - https://imgur.com/a/0naPfqj

Note the black line

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