スレッド: Talk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Guess who just picked up a DS for the first time :D To be specific, it's a "New 3DS XL" so any sort of DS game should be fair game. I do have games I'm eying playing (and even running) but several of them are difficult games in their own right and I've never played a handheld before so I kinda need to learn how to start off with. If anyone has game recommendations that make use of a lot of the (3)DS's features, and are maybe a little on the easy and/or short side, that's what I'm looking for here.

O.D.W. そして Pear これを好き
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Just picked it up. It has this game, plus a never before released English localization. Released for PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC.

This looks cute and deceptively challenging, two things I enjoy a lot.

スレッド: Talk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Then do it in 7 days.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Ivory そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Both of these are Youtube videos. Those tend to be permanent. Idk about Youtube streaming though, does it have a distinction between highlights and past broadcasts the way Twitch does?

スレッド: Ghost of Tsushima
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Hey friends. We're putting together a Ghost of Tsushima event for GDQ Hotfix, and we need Legends runners to fill it out! We'll be holding a team-based Legends relay competition. Two teams of three (ideally), with each player running three Legends levels, solo Bronze. Each level is its own race, and the team that wins the most levels (as there are 9) wins the competition! If we get a lot of runners, we could even do this co-op style! But we need more just to make this happen in the first place, so please come to the Discord and check out the #1-year-anniversary channel to make yourself known. I hope to see you there!!

スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago


Lots of helpful people there who can give you much more specific advice than people on the general forums can.

O.D.W. そして MrMonsh これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Twitch also supports uploads of offline recordings (essentially, YouTube's original function).

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I now realise I've negelected to mention anything about the event itself here (though I have on social media and Discord - join up if you haven't!). Fleet Fest IV: X Marks the Spot is a celebration of Xbox games. Any game is eligible provided it was released for some platform in the Xbox family (sorry to all you retroheads and Gods of War out there, we'll getcha next time!). Since comparatively few games are well and truly Xbox-exclusive however, additional submission priority will be granted to runs actually performed on Xbox consoles.

That said, let me re-emphasize that runs may be performed on a PlayStation, a PC, or a Nintendo console as long as the game in question also was released for an Xbox.

The event is scheduled for September 24-26, 2021. Submissions will open two months in advance of that date, and close one month in advance of it. Plenty of time to get all your hot speed games in good submittable shape!

Please respond in this thread if you have any additional questions.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Fleet Fest IV benefits the Whatcom Education Spay & Neuter Impact Program, also known as WeSNiP https://wesnip.org/

WeSNiP provides vital medical services to the underserved community in Whatcom County, Washington. Spay and neuter not only helps control the pet population (none of us like stories about dogs and cats who can't find loving homes), but those furry friends of ours who get "fixed" most often lead longer, overall healthier lives than those that don't. I'm thrilled to hold Fleet Fest IV in this wonderful group's benefit.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Do you have such a run? I'm sure the mods would be much more inclined to create the category if there was an actual run. Also wouldn't NG and NG+ have different thresholds for 100%? Some mods and upgrades are NG+ only. Might complicate things. 100% would probably need to be all-of-the-things, including the NG+ stuff, from a fresh save.

スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

To be honest I feel that way about playing with mouse & keyboard in general. Will just never feel natural.

スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I'm looking to potentially pick up a game that is on PS3/360, but notably not on PC. I've noticed that with a lot of PS3/360 games, all the top times are for 360. Is this truly a thing, or am I seeing patterns where there are none? (Something I'm occasionally good at!) Furthermore, I've swapped out the native hard drive on my PS3 and installed an SSD, does this change the arithmetic at all?

I already own the game for PS3, as you might be able to guess. It wouldn't be the first time I double-dipped, though, were I to do so. And down the line I'm heavily considering investing in an Xbox Series X (I've got a fair quantity of original Xbox discs I've never been able to play, along with a decent collection of 360 games as well). Does anyone have experience with Xbox 360 games on Xbox Series X? That would be interesting to know about as well.

Pear これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

How the hell do you speedrun Jetpack Joyride? It's an endless runner.

AspectFire これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

@Bob-chicken It can sometimes be even worse than that. The scumbags will buy otherwise legitimate keys with stolen credit cards, then when the owner of those cards find the fraudulent charges they get them reversed, meaning the developers are not only out revenue, they're actually paying for those keys themselves.

@Thronior Don't "bump" something after a single day. It's still on the first page, and being obnoxious will not make people want to run your game.

Ivory これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Just looked it up. It's currently full price on PC but on quite a handsome sale on PlayStation right now (75% off, or $5). Though 28th April. Probably good to know for anyone interested in the bounty. I don't generally love roguelikes myself (Isaac is a huge exception), but best of luck with this

スレッド: The Site
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

This is the run - https://www.speedrun.com/twa/run/ylowq4xy

It shows on my profile, but not the game's leaderboard. Halp?

スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

What you describe is exceptionally uncommon except for extremely long categories (like 15-20+ hours long), and even then it's far from a sure thing. Now bear in mind, the rules for the leaderboard here only (in all likelihood) keep you from submitting your runs to that leaderboard. Nothing stops you from speedrunning however you please for your own enjoyment.

Pear これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I thought you guys were giving shit to a clueless 12 year old by saying "are you gonna prove you're the real Ranboo" because who in the actual hell is Ranboo.

This thread was weird.

Pear, Merl_ そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Pedantry alert, but "IGT" should only be used for an actual In-Game Time (i.e. a time the game itself gives you, on some kind of stats screen). If your game does not itself a report a time, but you go back and manually remove loads times, that's "RTA No Load." Sometimes IGT doesn't accurately correspond to any actual time span in the real world, and thus gets disregarded.

TheAssassinMC, Quivico そして 5 その他 これを好き
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